BIG WARNING ‼️ I AM TIRED OF TRYING TO Send YOU CRUCIAL SIGNS । Open it । #godmessages #jesus #god - Free AI Voice Generator

BIG WARNING ‼️ I AM TIRED OF TRYING TO Send YOU CRUCIAL SIGNS । Open it । #godmessages #jesus #god

I’m preparing a gift just for you and I have seen your troubles and Sorrows so I will be there for you through every tear

you cry this is what God is telling you right now think about how I will be

there for you through all the ups and downs because I am planning a special gift just for you my precious baby I

have seen your hardships and the tears you have shed you have been getting ready to start a new and amazing chapter

in the story of your life and it’s just around the corner because of this fresh plot record you will rethink everything

you could have greater good fortune than usual and all of your hopes and desires will come true during that week this

means that you may relax about anything they may be doing this because they are

keeping a close eye on you since they are aware that you are going through a pivotal moment in your life right now to

make sure you don’t get into any trouble someone is constantly watching you listen to the music and see the video to

the end everything in your life including your health relationships career and finances will undergo

dramatic improvements in the not too distant future if you want miracles to happen in your life this is something

that will inevitably happen in every part of your life so you should be ready for it that is in fact a crystalclear

sign that next week there will be a Monumental event connected to your your function you’ve been trying to do

something for quite some time and now you’re almost there saying thank you and

having faith that you can get what you want are two ways to show your gratitude

both of them make significant contributions to the total satisfaction with the purpose of enjoying

thankfulness although that isn’t usually the case the thief said that I was crucified with Christ while I may no

longer be physically present the Christ inside me is still very much alive thus I was there maybe the other party

doesn’t need anything from us we’re not connected to each other in any manner and we’re completely autonomous my faith

in the Son of God who loved me so much that he gave his life for me allows me

to continue living this way please show your support for God’s existence by

giving this video a like and sharing it with others I am dispatching my angels

before you to foil the enemy schemes to thwart them the Lord said as he acknowledged his presence since I’ve got

this under control there’s obviously no need for you to be anxious in the blink of an eye all your deepest desires will

come true even though you have not been to these locations yet people are talking about them to you as if they

were familiar you are about to experience life-altering developments that may Astound you all because God is

actively involved therefore I tell you whatever you ask for in prayer

accept as true with which you have received it and it will be yours this is

what Jesus told his eager followers at this time your luck is about to take a surprising turn for the better all will

go according to plan and your Endeavor as a whole may be a smashing success you

stand to gain a great deal from this Arrangement which will be maintained for the foreseeable future you must be ready

to understand the wonderful times that may still be ahead since very soon

Miracles will begin to happen in your own house all the wasted time and missed

opportunities will be compensated for by God strange things will begin happening

in close proximity to your home right now according to God’s Proclamation I am

the way the truth and the life and I have so successfully directed the right

of entrance to the father I am the one and only easy way out of this sticky predicament good for Fortune contentment

health and pleasure may be yours to enjoy in your daily life God has told you that tonight is the last night that

you will weep be afraid and worry because the stars are aligning to give

you these things the Stars May align in your favor so that you may experience an

abundance of First Rate Goods in every facet of your life including pleasure

happiness good health and plenty of money before this weekend even comes you

will have forgotten about most of your problems the reason for this is because

every aspect of your life has the potential to bring about several wonderful things to make the things that

mean most to you more concrete you will gain the Knowledge and Skills necessary to develop an attitude of gratitude for

life according to the Bible God loved the world so much that he sacrificed his

one and only son so that whomever believes in him would not perish but have everlasting life life that

literally means that God gave up his own son as a sacrifice for the region because he valued it so highly if you

feel like you’ve hit a wall due to feelings of despondency disorientation and

self-criticism I invite you to seek my assistance God has assured me that I may be a source of Eternal joy for you if

you’re at your Wit’s End and can’t take any more thoughts of lack of Desire confusion and depression then you should

come to me I can take away all your problems worries and difficulties and

replace them with mental peace endless happiness and perfect health God is giving you a fresh start

by ending every negative pattern in your life get yourself ready to grow in response to Jesus’s invitation and make

plans to do so you’re entering a new chapter of your life where you’ll experience more Independence good

prosperity might and plenty oh God I will send you many wonderful things

including money improvements big smiles and more opportunities before the month is up you should expect a spectacular

outbreak in your area first thing in the morning of the next day this miracle

will allow you to experience a level of success that has never been possible before in ways you have never

experienced before the course of the remainder of your lives will change because of this miracle you may be able

to break free from all the things that bring you to stress and you may also see significant progress in your own

personal and private growth have faith that things will improve for the better soon and know that angels are watching

and safeguarding you right now everything will start to come together pretty soon so you can

relax as a result of your hard work preparing you will soon find that you

are more open to new ideas if you regularly declutter your area and your thoughts in due course the chance you’ve

been seeking will present itself to you you have attained the ultimate outcome with your paintings inspiring Miracles

thrilling news major discoveries fresh ideas and an abundance of other benefits

might fill the last few days of this week I am with you you need not fear or

be discouraged because I am your God by the power of my right hand which is holy

I can strengthen you assist you and support you fear not for for I am with you be discouraged for I am your God

said God to his people this being the case hearing the message is the only

method of collecting religion and listening to the phrase of Christ is the most efficient means of obtaining the

message hence the greatest means of advancing faith is to pay attention to

what Christ says God has a purpose for your existence even before you had a

clue as to what you wanted to do with it that purpose encompasses not not just your journey through this world but also

your stay here if you are in agreement with God this plan encompasses not just

the time you may spend traveling through this universe but also the time you may spend living right here on Earth at

times you may need to let yourself fall short of your own expectations if God is going to harness you for his own

purposes you need to keep in mind that God created the cosmos mostly through

speaking therefore it’s possible that all of his promises to you will ultimately be disregarded

there are many reasons for you to feel optimistic about the future and you should take advantage of them you have

worked very hard and now it is time to reward you for all your hard work I pray

that you find the fortitude to persevere and the optimism to see things through

it became easy to notice that his behavior reflected the honesty in his

Communications which were consistently genuine according to what people have heard from God it is very important that

you understand that your prayers are being heard I want you to know that your prayers are being heard as God has told

people when I’m not able to attend to all of your needs at the moment it’s not because I’m not paying attention rather

it’s because it’s the current moment the fact that I may not be able to provide you with everything you want should not

be seen as an indication that I am not paying attention to what you are saying that I am not paying attention to

what you are saying is not something I would imply it doesn’t mean I’m not listening to what you have to say just

because I can’t think of everything you need right now this proves that I have a

future plan for you that will be even more beneficial than what you have now

and that I have planned it specifically for you in a creative and foretelling manner just as God told Moses Moses I

will soon surprise you with my kindness according to what God has spoken you are about to have a stroke of Good Fortune

the promise was made to Moses by God put your trust in me calm your anxieties and

prepare yourself for the most thrilling journey of your life according to what we learn in the Bible if we want to be

saved we need to believe that God raised Jesus from the dead and say loudly that

Jesus is the Lord a person will not be saved if they do not believe that Jesus

was raised from the dead by God by sharing this video you may help reveal God’s phrase the Bible describes

Humanity as a river rushing with life-giving water that comes from inside each person that is the Assurance I

provide to Anyone who puts their faith in me just as the bible promises the event or inquiry will occur it may let

out a pressure that isn’t perhaps the most natural but it’s also bursting with energy and dryness and my

all-encompassing strength can accomplish this job superbly for the time being try

not to stress out too much about the future I’m ready for whatever involves you please tell me what God wants you to

see clearly right now invest more time and energy into honing the talents you already possess because worrying about

things too much might sap your strength you should try to unwind and stop dwelling on the past do your best to

keep your fears to a minimum because you never know when they might manifest all you have to do is have faith in your

work and give it your all the long awaited season of Retribution starts

this month and it won’t be long before it arrives things will start to improve

dramatically as soon as you pay attention you may have faith that your efforts will pay off and you have every

right to assume that the results you seek May materialize immediately as a direct consequence of your efforts you

should remain calm and strong as you think back on what happened the day before find out why your electricity

levels have dropped and I’ll be here to help you in any way I can so you can fix the real issue stop letting negative

thoughts derail your progress towards success it’s crucial that you do all in

your power to avoid these thoughts doing that is among the top priorities hear me

out I know you can do great things so trust me when I say this please God do not be concerned about me I will not be

in need of anything everything I need is right here with me my current beliefs are susceptible to substantial change

based on the results of my observations have faith in my words because I have faith in you and your

abilities strolling gingerly behind other people or things is not a novel idea what is truly yours will find you

when the time is right it’s far too much to rely on even though God commands

people to trust themselves first first and foremost this gives you access to a variety of energy sources as you will

see the answers to your long sort prayers May begin to materialize this week you should arrange for

transportation in advance if you want to find out those answers you have a hard

time focusing on the present moment and enjoying the beauty of nature around you

you have found that to be challenging God shows you that you were operating on autopilot for a long period of time you

can count on my assistance because you are my favorite pause and think about

how your breath feels as you open your awareness to the many things around you

inquire of me and I will teach you to find calm in the chaos and I will also teach you to identify and describe the

many things that surround you they might be experiencing problems with their finances health or

relationships because of the transient nature of the days it is also possible that they are experiencing problems with

all three simultaneously because of the difficulties they are currently experiencing there is a higher chance

that someone in your own family will have their voice heard these things are

related to the problems they may be experiencing at the moment and God wants you to be supportive and encouraging to

him as he goes through them a number of factors may have precipitated this call and he is reaching out to you for

support and encouragement please in exchange for this gift give me

the strength to remain composed as I complete the tasks you’ve given me and show me how to properly interpret the

data you’ve provided in the name of Jesus I appreciate your help may it be

so even though things may be tough for you right now you must trust in me and

my plan for your life but things will be different for you soon therefore

strengthen your faith in me and seek out ways to be joyful every day Lord if

staying is your desire then I can make it happen I also understand that it’s

your will that I won’t give in to my weaknesses anymore Lord I am grateful

that you have allowed me to remain robust it is entirely up to you whether I stay or not things may improve if you

maintain your religion for a few more days weeks or months even though it is

difficult to know what your destiny holds despite the impossibility of

knowing what the future holds this can be appropriate prayer is a strong way to

communicate with God and he can grant any request made to him even if you do

not believe it can accomplish its intended purpose or that it will help those around you the modern reputation

of the arena is frightening though may it be so I am utterly Enchanted by the

upcoming week because it has the potential to be incredibly fruitful for me regardless of what may happen this

week I intend to remain as enthusiastic and prepared as possible whatever may

come up this week I have no intention of exchanging how thrilled I am or how prepared I am right now you don’t

require any additional help from me my protection has never been limited to you alone it has always encompassed your

family and friends as well and it will do so even going forward listen I’ve

been there for you through every single assignment that has popped up You Can Count On Me currently you are not in

need of any additional assistance from me no longer even in just speak ill of

yourself or anyone else God and told you not to be critical of yourself or other

people just remember that the Lord your God is with you on this journey so tell

yourself encouraging things and that you can trust yourself because the Lord is with you on this journey you shouldn’t

be scared or show any symptoms of fear rest easy knowing that he will not

abandon you or leave you high and dry in any way be strong and composed no matter

how bad things get someday you may realize that God planned all your

preparations not only for the future but also for the here and now and that this

plan was for both the future and the present it will also become clear to you

that this strategy was for both the future and the here and now in preparation for the days that may come

to meet those challenges you will gather the courage and strength you need here

so that you don’t lose your cool when things get rough know that I will never leave you or turn my back on you I can

be by your side whenever you need me when you need someone to lean on I will be there when you’re in my care I can

Shield you from harm boost your spirits and shoulder your burdens you can stop

worrying and start praying because I am the one who will will solve all your

problems prayers are greatly appreciated if you need assistance You Can Count On

Me be bold and ambitious he wants you to be and he tells you to be in everything

you do do not allow fear to keep you from experiencing the next great part of your life God wants you to know that

though it may be difficult to keep up all of your hopes and dreams will be realized and you will be showered with a

multitude of blessings you should watch this video video all the way through if you believe in God after reviewing the

responses the terms may be added to your account you may not agree with the major

changes that may occur in your life and the lives of the people closest to you

over the next months even though you are blessed healed and exceedingly

favored my savior and protector is the Lord who is also called Jehovah I am

confident that God will deliver me from this catch situation he is the one

who saves me I can put my complete trust in him without fear I can provide a hand

in the face of an insurmountable obstacle the bible promises that God will provide the strength you need if

that’s what you require I can figure out a way to give it a go there will soon be major changes compared to how things are

right now you are currently experiencing a situational shift that will ultimately benefit you prepare for some significant

changes observing how events are beginning to take an intriguing new turn is of great quality those who are

secretly mocking you are blind to the fact that your faith in me will lead you to victory as God says your faith in me

is what will lead to your success and they don’t get it those who are secretly making fun of you don’t realize you won

the contest I want you to know how much you mean to me and how much I admire you

your courage lots of good things are coming your way including love health

wealth power and spiritual enlightenment do you often find yourself

in a position where you’re required to accept something if you cling to the Lord and have a good impression of him

he may miraculously rescue you from your problems and change your life for the better may you also enjoy his mercy and

Grace while the doors that follow open for you God has promised that you will never again need to borrow money ask for

anything or fight for anything if you have faith in God it appears that you

can achieve your goals and earn more money than you ever dreamed possible nobody will be able to speak out against

you or the direction you’re taking without suffering consequences such as having their voice muzzled the feeling

of being alone should no longer cross your mind according to Divine since I’m

like a shadow that follows you everywhere you can be sure that I will constantly be taking advantage of your

vulnerability whether everything is going swimmingly or completely wrong you can always count on me to be by your

side when things are going well you can usually count on me to stick by your side you may assume that I will give you

your requested items the brightest spot in my day is knowing that you will

always remember who I am and the current Proclamation from God you are putting

undue stress on yourself because you worry too much any problem I encounter I

can solve therefore anyone can trust me to overcome it most people would agree

that you should brace yourself for some incredibly beneficial revelations in the near future be that as it may I am your

God and there is a good chance that you are unaware of this information I am

here by your side so you no longer have to worry or give up avoid coming out of

it depressed about what what happened if you want to achieve your goals in life I can help you become stronger physically

and mentally as a helping hand I will extend my Steady Hand of Justice there

is a reason behind every single person’s actions in our lives the Bible must exist in some form for reasons beyond

the fact that it ought to exist in some form if its teachings about God are to be believed right now you’re playing a

pivotal role you and your loved ones need to Worship the Lord in body and soul as soon as possible so that you can

give up your destructive habit and provide for your struggling family members when I’m with you my day is

complete everything about your magnificence is coming to life and being showcased before our very eyes over time

your beacon of guidance will grow brighter thank you for being here the

events of your life have already unfolded in a way that will bring you closer to the go goal you’ve set for

yourself in the near future and the vision you have for your future self and nothing or no one can change this this

opportunity will be available to you for a while it seems like that needs to materialize for you in the near or

distant future you simply cannot bring yourself to think about that living a prayerful life and believing in God’s

plan for your life could lead to many good things happening soon the changes he’s bringing about might be visible to

you around the year you will experience a plethora of Love healing

and abundance in your life right now just as you deserve and as it will today

you will experience restoration plenty and an overflow of love in terms of Love

healing and abundance these days will be Monumental for you nowadays you are

going to experience an exceptional day amazing things may happen to alleviate your suffering blessings may be showered

upon your entire family and wonderful events will take place at the precise moment you desire them to apologies for

the disappointment but if you trust me I will see to it that everything works out

the way it should God’s presence has been confirmed and he has said I know what you’re feeling and I will make sure

everything works out the way I want it to is there anything you’re sorry to hear because you put your trust in me

and things aren’t going the way you expected please accept AC my deepest condolences at this very moment the

entire Cosmos is expending all of its energy trying to rid itself of everything that could possibly harm you

you will receive monetary compensation due to the issues you have caused the overwhelming love you feel for the

people in your life may not last long you’re about to encounter a period of

your life that will be completely different from anything you’ve ever experienced nothing nothing you have

experienced or learned thus far in your life you believe can compare to this joy

since I’ve taken care of everything for the day the Lord says you shouldn’t be worried about anything in order to get

to where we want to go as a team I will go over the factors that have led to your current experience of prolonged

tension to give the impression that I will be introducing you to people and opening doors for you I will clear the

way ahead of time I can lend you a and to be content with who you are there are

many reasons to do so what remarkable news your long drought has finally come

to an end along with a deluge of Love blessings and Grace you will also

experience major life transitions exciting New Opportunities and healing on all levels your prayers have been

heard and they will be answered in a manner that will bring you the highest possible level of Excellence staying

composed and patient patient while keeping an eye on the things that are most important to you at this moment

will help you get through this it might be futile to try to find them you are

not warned to outrun it rather it is God’s will that it should be yours in

other words if God wants it for you then it will be in my opinion he will be

presenting it to you soon the angels in heaven are slaving away at establishing

telepathic contact with you so that they can warn you of impending infidelity

scandals by sending you this phrase the guardian angel in heaven is attempting

to warn you about approaching controversial topics so you can choose whether or not to accept this

blessing never forget that guardian angels are watching over you at all times at this point they might not even

allow you to get hurt no matter how bad things get they’re still very close to each other even though it may appear

like there is no hope there is usually someone you can count on to be there when you need them no matter how bad

things get there may be one person who will never stop supporting you everyone on our team has listened to you and is

thinking about what you said you can’t find us in any way concealed we are

completely devoted to pouring out our immense love for you at this very moment

in the next to days you could amass a considerable amount of wealth if you see this consequently if you want to

know how to reap the benefits of your upcoming Good Fortune you need to watch this video all the way to the conclusion

prepare to take stock of your blessings because you will soon find yourself in the enviable position of having a

significant opportunity presented to you you should be ready for it to have an

immediate and far-reaching effect on your entire way of life please let me

take full ownership of everything and make sure I have enough information to arrange for our meeting at a time that

works works best for you I promise you that your disappointment will be well deserved even though the reason you’ll

be frustrated is because you’ll have to wait your manners are starting to shine

through at the moment you have received this recommendation from God at this point it’s safe to say that all the

obstacles have been removed things appear to be shaping up to be a workout for you right now and they will only

improve from here on out enjoy a level of acceleration from which there is no way to to recover avoiding this is not

an option in order to reap the full benefits of religion the time has come to begin the receiving technique it is

my sincere hope that God will bless you abundantly and guide you to great success in all that you do also he could

hear me out and respond to my inquiries if you trust me I will find a way to fulfill your desires in a way that you

can stick to and handle any issues you might have assuming I can’t handle the

trouble will make me unable to do so going forward God has assured you that

he will lead your family into a better situation This Promise has been made by

God to you and your family the worst of your financial emotional physical and

professional hardships are almost behind you even though a lot has happened to you things are looking up now there are

indications that your situation has improved if I could Grant you one wish for your future it would be to have good

intentions regarding your plans for life that will help you strengthen them rather than hinder them I wake up for

plans so they can help you out rather than trying to sabotage them so they can give you what you want I’ve taken those

measures because I care about you and what might happen to you as a result of my challenge to you because I’ll be

right here with you most of the time you won’t have to worry about me being lonely or scared you can stop being

scared and stop feeling lonely because of this be mindful at all times that

every person you meet is dealing with their own unique set of problems and challenges in life you need to think

about that all the time nobody in this room not even the most seasoned veterans

has a firm grasp on the situation anymore the desire for Jesus is universal and anybody can be in need of

him because of this way of growing up we’re all finally deved veloping into our full potential it’s not at all

appropriate to give up God has shown me that you will be amazed by aspects of my

lifestyle that I would share with you even though I didn’t think they were very possible I didn’t feel any pressure

to even think this was possible do not ever lose sight of the significance of

keeping your mind and heart open to the Myriad opportunities that life presents

I wish you the ability to seize every opportunity that comes your way down the street I have an excellent bargain of

fascinating things for you you are not alone in the suffering you are currently experiencing in this life God is

actively involved on your behalf put yourself in his shoes and give him your

problems so you can see things in a new light other thoughts will be able to wander freely in your head so look at

him through your peripheral vision he’s only a few feet away no matter what he’s

never far away After all you’ve been through you might have a compelling story to tell when you finally Prevail

in this trial people may look to you as a model for how to live a Heavenly lifestyle if you desire them to follow

your lead and enjoy your preferences and benefits the way you stay will serve as

a signal to everyone in your vicinity because people generally believe that imitation is the best form of

instruction they will try to emulate your personal life find a setting where you can f

flourish and Achieve significant progress God has told you that the changes he has planned for you might

completely disrupt your life but that they are changes for the better God has

also told you that this transition will be good the quantity and quality of the

subjects below the dialogue here suddenly and glaringly increase

something that even if you could have predicted its potential significance and joy ended up being much more of a

blessing and source of inspiration for you than you could have ever dreamed due

to the fact that there is and will be more you shouldn’t feel terrible about sharing what you have with other people

or about spreading love you’re going to receive Limitless benefits from him big

grins New Opportunities and financial breakthroughs all of this is what he

will bring you you will receive these things because they are promises from God God has told you straight up that he

is eagerly anticipating the day when you and your family are the only ones who can bring endless health wealth and

happiness into your family as soon as the sun comes up the following morning you can expect unexpected Financial

benefits because God has made it so pure that will be something you can take care

of right away you might be able to do this as soon as the sun comes up I know

that’s probably not what you were hoping for but I want you to know that I can always be here for you rest assured I

will take all necessary precautions to ensure your safety please don’t get sick

I beg you for the sake of God stop letting your problems escalate according

to what God has told us I am providing you with the knowledge and tools you need to Achieve Financial Independence

if you want to keep your music dreams alive you have to have faith in me according to a Divine message we

received I am giving you the information and tools you need to become financially

independent you’ve done an excellent job so far so don’t let the amount of work you think you want to do make you feel

overworked you’ve accomplished a lot A lot has been accomplished by you already

a great deal of success has already been yours once you’ve brought your focus back to the present moment take a few

moments to breathe deeply and calmly before you go on stop and think

about all you’ve accomplished and the people you’ve helped help along the way you need to make an effort to overcome

your tendency to put too much emphasis on yourself stop behaving so gratefully

toward him and his introduction God commands it you must immediately cease

engaging in such foolish Behavior it would be better if you could relax take

a few deep breaths and trust me more than if you kept pushing yourself the way you are if you really think that

much of me where does that confidence or originate your presence brightens my day

you can count on me to lend a hand when you need it and I hope I don’t let you down while I wait for the right moment

and get ready for whatever you have in store for me please realize that I’m making preparations for what you have in

store for me so please do not disregard my request and provide me with your

preferred I implore you to hear me out and bestow upon me the virtue of

endurance God desires for us such steadfast faith in his plan that we refuse to let things go wrong even when

things don’t seem to be moving according to plan God promised my beloved child I

will open the heavens and pour out all your prepared and prayed for things in other words if you believe that the

sky’s Windows opened and God poured out everything then God will listen to your requests and fulfill them all my

precious child I will open the Heaven’s windows and pour out all that you have been praying for God declared I am going

to unlock the Heaven’s doors and pour out all the things you have ever wished for and prayed for you have my undying

gratitude for my unwavering support throughout all of our projects I am the one who has stood by you from the

beginning so have faith in me says the Lord it seems like you’ve reached a

point where you no longer require my help I will always be there to protect you your loved ones and your advantages

and anybody else you hold dear this is something I’ve been doing and I assure you that I will never leave your side I

have been trying my best to keep up with everything that has happened to you in the past few days if this is important

to you I promise to do all in my power to make it so if you’re having trouble

achieving your lifestyle goals or just want some support along the way I’m here

to help additionally I am here and I’m aware that you may be afflicted with a

disease or be in excruciating pain right now I feel terrible that you are going through this but please don’t be sad

just yet here to help you is the eminent healer known as me whenever anything

changes you can count on me to be here to help because the word of God came

alive and Jesus Christ the son of God said I’m about to transform you from crushed to overflowing this is full of

joy First Rate happenings and proper Fortune for its protagonists and your t

is becoming one with it you will never be in danger or experience pain because

of the way you live your life nothing can ever threaten the safety you find in me you can be sure that my guardian

angels will always be by your side watching over you and your actions to keep evil spirits at arms length you

might be safe no matter where you are or what you’re doing their presence will accompany you no matter what path you

take no matter what happens you can count on their support whatever you do

they might not budge from your face while I hold you in the comfort of my arms you can relax and let go of your

worries because I have the knowledge you need I think it’s crucial that you keep

an eye out for this danger as you go about your day be prepared to receive

wonderful surprises when they arrive they are on their way to you as you go about your day tell yourself that

wonderful things are on the way and that you will be surprised God sees people as more than

just play things he doesn’t take it for granted that people should be treated with the utmost respect at all times

listen carefully to what they have to say because I’ve treated everyone’s pleasure with the same care that I’ve

given human reviews having you be the best of the best was never my intention

and I certainly never needed you to be none of those desires were ever meant for me to achieve achieve on most days I

can love and recognize you as a sign of your support for the Christian Community

we ask that you like and subscribe to our Channel someone once said that you can put yourself in a better position to

enjoy everything that lies ahead if you concentrate on being thankful for what you have right now you are presently

experiencing a favorable turn of events there will come a time when God hears about your problems and says I am aware

of your struggles nevertheless have faith in me to heal what needs healing

and to bless you and your family abundantly he will then answer your prayers he goes on to say that God is

aware of the difficulties you are going through right now I understand the challenges you encounter I am well aware

that the path your life follows may also bestow challenging situations upon you at different times and that you may

encounter considerable anxiety and hardship as you journey through life

nevertheless keep in mind that I am always by your side and I might never abandon you keep those two things in

mind at all times please do not forget this information in any way I beg you

this should be your primary concern as you go about your day I solemnly affirm that to be true keep in mind at all

times that I am the one in command I have greater plans for you than you can possibly imagine even though there will

be moments when you think you have some say in the matter this is God’s word and

it will come to pass a word of warning from God my plans for you surpass your

own plans by a wide margin I will give you the fortitude to face any Challenge

headon and the confidence to overcome any difficulty you face I can also give

you the courage to rise above any problem you face what’s more I can give you the courage to overcome any

challenge you face what’s more I can give you the courage to complete any assignment you are given lastly I can

give you the determination to overcome any challenge you face we have no choice but to accept the fact that people will

tease and abuse us due to our love for God now that he has abandoned us he

always keeps in mind that I am here to support his courage strength and determination to keep going please I beg

you do not give up on the possibility that I may achieve my goals despite the seemingly endless length of suffering

there is always the possibility that there will be a brief moment of genuine Joy at the end I will compensate for

your unwavering resolve by assisting you in reaching your objectives and becoming

even more popular I’ll see if I can help you out by giving you more energy your

presence brightens my day you can go from feeling like you’re drowning in options to having more options available

to you in the Noto distant future if you believe that Jesus is the Lord at this

point in your Tal’s development you can expect an exchange the tone is beginning

to suggest good fortune and luck it’s totally different to start by evaluating

the results moving forward into this new chapter of your life God with confidence

in things that cannot be seen and more faith than doubt will bring you blessings in the next phase of your

existence the fortitude to face this obstacle headon and the wisdom to recognize its lessons

and opportunities for growth are two things I ask for in prayer it is my

sincere hope that you will fulfill my request please listen to my request and

treat them with the utmost respect I beg you to fulfill my request furthermore I

humbly request that you grant me the perseverance to complete my journey please keep me on the path that leads to

Love by guiding my words actions and thoughts amen and

Tranquility I beg you to pay attention to my prayer and Grant it by the month’s

end you should have achieved remarkable strides in the vast majority of the sports you’ve ever

played you should have learned by the end of the month that for the most part things are moving along far more

smoothly than you could have ever dreamed of under these circumstances you wouldn’t believe how

much easier everything is moving than you had anticipated they are currently performing at a level that exceeds your

wildest Expectations by letting you know that I need your consideration God is

communicating with you in every Mission you’ve faced I’ve been there to cheer you on and offer my support over the

course of our conversation I’ve made it clear that I rely on your confidence I

assure you that I will always try my best to fulfill all of your


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