with this powerful prayer Jesus will

enter your life protecting you and your

family from all evil enemies and

Witchcraft cleansing everything and

bringing Eternal

peace hello it’s great to have you here

again welcome to the powerful and

miraculous prayers

Channel we are helping more and more

those who come to our

channel to find the word of our Mighty

God have you tried various remedies

consulted numerous doctors and feel as

though you have exhausted all your

options in the search for

healing do you feel that you have done

everything within your power to rid

yourself of your illness but still find

yourself without hope and in search of a

miracle I want to offer you A New

Perspective a different path that can

bring the light you so desperately seek

amidst the darkness believe in the power

of the Sacred and Precious Blood of


Christ he has the power to purify

liberate and heal you

miraculously as you listen to this

powerful prayer allow Faith and Hope to

be restored in your

heart trust that even as you sleep Jesus

Christ can work wonders in your life

healing all your diseases and bringing

peace and

liberation accompany this prayer with an

open heart and strong

faith now in the comments leave the

following phrase Jesus bring healing to

my life

today before starting this blessed

prayer I ask you to hit the like button

on this

video as it helps us bring more blessed

videos like this

one and also subscribe to the channel

and activate the notific ification

Bell so you can follow strong and

powerful prayers like this one

exclusively don’t forget to leave your

prayer requests in the video

comments and share this prayer with all

the people you

love let’s begin the

prayer powerful Jesus Christ heals all

your diseases while you sleep listen to

this prayer while you

sleep in the name of the Father the Son

and and the holy spirit
Leave your “Like”

amen oh patient and Merciful Savior

Jesus we come before you once again

pleading for your divine intervention in


lives oh glorious and divine Redeemer we

humbly ask that you hear the Cry of this

Soul seeking your

mercy Lord in your omn missence and love

you know of the afflictions that disturb


person only you Lord possess the supreme

power to heal and free us from the

adversities that torment

us in your kingdom where power and Glory

Reign eternally the whole earth is under

your watch and every aspect of Our Lives

is shaped by your providential

hands My Redeemer you suffered and died

on that cross a cruel and atrocious

death to grant us Liberation and

salvation through your precious blood we

believe we are purified and redeemed

from all evil and that no adversity will

have power over our lives for we are

sealed by the blood of the

Lamb Lord Jesus behold the illness that


me I implore you to lay your hands on me

pouring and covering Me with Your


Blood the blood of Christ flowing over

my life from head to toe drives away all

physical spiritual and mental illnesses

in the presence of the

Lord by your Majestic presence and your

most precious blood no evil can

remain Through The Eyes of faith I feel

that my healing is being

accomplished in this prayer I declare

that I am freed from all the evils that

afflict my

body in the name of Jesus Christ I

Proclaim that the afflictions that

weighed upon my body my spiritual life

and my mental well-being are receding

before the powerful and precious blood


Christ Lord Jesus In This Moment of
Access the link in the description

profound faith we lift our hearts to you

the Divine physician and Liberator of


afflictions with humility and confidence

we cry out for your precious presence

asking that you envelop each one of us

with your precious blood a symbol of

your unconditional love and infinite

Mercy in your name oh savior we present

our pleas for healing Liberation and

restoration of our

health we recognize that only in you do

we find true hope and the strength to

heal all physical and spiritual aspects

of our

illnesses we place our trust in your

power which is greater than any evil

that may torment our

bodies we cry out to you Lord Jesus

confident in the knowledge that your

grace and mercy are infinite and that

your presence brings healing and comfort

to troubled

Souls trusting in your promise of love

and care we ask that you extend your

powerful hand over each one of us

touching our hearts and bodies with your


Healing May each word of this prayer be

a testimony to your transformative power

and boundless compassion

Lord you who know all our pains anguish

and suffering we ask that you envelop us

with your healing

love may this moment of prayer be a

bridge between our suffering and your

source of life and

health May each breath we take be filled

with your peace and strength renewing

our Hope and Faith In You in this act of

prayer we surrender to you Jesus all our

worries fears and

uncertainties we ask that your light

shine upon the dark areas of our life

bringing Clarity Direction and

purpose may your healing power not only

restore our bodies but also renew our

minds and Spirits enabling us to live a

full and blessed life in your

presence we thank you Lord for your

faithfulness and your kindness that

never abandon us

with gratitude we receive the blessings

you pour upon us and with hearts full of

faith we Proclaim your victory over all

forms of illness and

tribulation may this prayer be a Channel

of Your Grace and a reflection of your

eternal love for each one of

us we trust in you Lord and know that in

you we find Refuge strength and the

healing we

need may this prayer be a constant

reminder of your presence in our lives

and your desire to see us restored and

renewed in Body Mind and

Spirit Lord Jesus I turn my eyes to all

those who are currently facing

difficulties battling illnesses or


sufferings we know that you extend your

generous hands to reach the sick helping

them rise from their beds of

Affliction we ask that you do the same

same for us for our loved ones and for

all who are in need of your healing

Grace oh savior free us from the bonds

that prevent us from living

fully liberate us from Fear anxiety the

chains of sin and everything that

distances us from your

peace humbly we acknowledge our

weaknesses and sins trusting in your

infinite ability to forgive and

redeem Lord Lord at this moment we pray

for the complete restoration of our

health we ask that you restore our

bodies minds and

Spirits may your Divine Light dispel the

darkness of illness and may your peace

fill our souls bringing relief and

comfort we know that your will is always

perfect and even in times of difficulty

We Trust in your love and

wisdom we thank thank you in advance for

answering our prayers and for being with

us at every stage of our

journey may your presence be profoundly

and transformationally felt in our lives

and may your healing Liberation and

restoration abundantly flow over

us beloved Lord Jesus in this solemn and

faith-filled hour we lift our hearts to

you the Divine Redeemer bearer of your

precious blood the Supreme Sy symbol of

your love and

grace with unwavering confidence we cry

out for you to cover us with your

precious blood and free us from all the

afflictions that disturb our

bodies in your Holy Name we present our

please for Liberation and purification

of our

bodies we recognize that in you we find

the source of all healing and

relief you are the physician of

Physicians the savior of of

humanity Before Your Majesty we ask that

you remove all diseases pains and

afflictions that torment

us Lord Jesus look with compassion upon

each one of us facing physical mental

and spiritual

challenges we know that you are our

unshakable Rock and our Fortress in

times of

tribulation we ask that you extend your

powerful hands to touch our bodies and

restore the Lost

Health we pray oh savior that you free

us from the chains of sickness and pain

so that we may live joyfully and fully

honoring you in all that we

do free us from suffering weakness and

despair replacing them with your

strength your peace and your

hope powerful and merciful Jesus Christ

in this moment of Serenity and rest we

direct our hearts to you with unwavering

Faith as we prepare to sleep we trust

that your Divine and healing presence

will be with us touching our bodies and

Minds I believe Lord that as I rest your

powerful hand is working in me healing

all diseases and restoring my

health with each breath I feel your

healing energy flowing through me

bringing relief and renew to every part

of my

being oh Jesus you who are the great

physician and savior we know that there

are no limits to your

power while the world sleeps your love

and grace continue to perform

Miracles I ask that tonight as I sleep

your healing blessings descend upon

me May every cell of my body be

rejuvenated and strengthened by your

healing touch

may my worries and pains be taken away

replaced by peace and

well-being Lord in your infinite

goodness I ask that not only I be

blessed but also those who are battling

illnesses and

afflictions may they too feel your

healing presence in their

lives may this prayer serve as a bomb

for their souls reminder that even in

the Silence of the night you are with us

bringing healing in

Hope may this night be a testimony of

your healing power

Jesus may we wake up feeling Renewed

Energy restored health and a rejuvenated

spirit all thanks to your loving

intervention in your Holy Name Jesus

Christ I ask that this prayer for

healing while we sleep be a source of

comfort strength and restoration for all

who hear it and trust in your miraculous

power oh Savior and Lord Jesus in your

infinite mercy and love we ask that with

your precious blood you wash away our

sins and

Imperfections allow us to start a new

Journey under your grace breaking our

hardened Hearts so we may receive your

forgiveness and

restoration help us to walk in

righteousness and Purity before you we

recogn ize that your will is Sovereign

and ask that you grant us the courage to

face challenges the wisdom to discern

right from wrong and the strength to

stand firm in our

faith Lord strengthen our faith so that

we can trust in you in all

circumstances we thank you in advance

for hearing our prayers and for always

being with us even in the most


moments may your healing presence be

profoundly felt in our lives removing

all the afflictions that disturb

us in your name oh savior we place our

supplications for healing Liberation and

restoration of our

health we acknowledge that only in you

do we find true hope and the strength to

heal all physical and spiritual

diseases We Trust in your power which is

greater than any illness that may

afflict our bodies with humility we

recognize your unparalleled goodness and

mercy your Supreme sacrifice has granted

us access to your grace and

power confident that your blood a symbol

of your Redemption serves as an

impenetrable shield against all

malignant forces seeking to harm our

physical mental and spiritual

health Lord Jesus we ask that you do not

delay in hearing us us and responding

announcing our miraculous healing

through your Holy

Spirit may your blood strengthen us to

resist any attack from the enemy so that

we may live in fullness with healthy

bodies and tranquil

Minds may this serve as a seal of your

promise of Abundant Life which is our

right as Sons and Daughters of

God through the Holy Blood of Christ we

affirm that all damaged relationships be

restored and that your Divine

reconciliation heals divisions and

promotes unity in our

lives Jesus place your hands upon my

head pouring and covering Me with Your


Blood the blood of Christ flowing over

my life from head to toe commands all

physical mental and spiritual diseases

to retreat in your glorious

presence Through Your Precious Blood no

aders Verity or evil can

remain Through The Eyes of faith I feel

that healing is being wrought within

me in this prayer I declare that I am

freed from all ailments afflicting my

body in the name of Jesus Christ I

affirm that the afflictions that

oppressed my body my spiritual life and

my mental well-being are dissipating

through the powerful and precious blood


Christ we lift our hearts and

supplications to you our savior pleading

for you to cover and free us from all

illnesses tormenting our bodies and

souls with humility and Trust we place

our supplications at your feet knowing

that you are the source of all healing


Liberation we recognize that your blood

shed on the cross is the Supreme symbol

of your unconditional love and the

sacrifice you made for us

us in your name Jesus we seek the

healing and Liberation that only you can

provide may your blessings of health and

well-being descend upon us and may the

power of your sacrifice on the cross

bring renewal and hope may your precious

blood purify us from all illnesses and

strengthen us against all

evil may we witness your grace in our

lives living in fullness and health

thanks to your miraculous

intervention may this prayer be a

Channel of Your Grace and a reflection

of your eternal love for each one of

us we declare that through the Holy

Blood of Christ all darkness is

dissipated by your light and your

presence Shines on our paths guiding us

to a full and Abundant

Life we Proclaim that through the Holy

Blood of Christ all our needs are met

and that your miraculous provision

covers all our deficiencies according to


will Lord Jesus look upon each person

suffering at this moment whether they

are victims of diseases bodily suffering

or mental

anguish we know that you extend your

generous hands to touch the sick and

raise them from their beds of

suffering we ask that you do the same

for us for our loved ones and for all

those in need of your healing in

Grace Jesus look upon this illness that

afflicts me and all the diseases that

afflict Humanity bringing your healing

comfort and

peace in your name we cry out for divine

intervention a miraculous transformation

in our lives so that we may witness your

love and mercy for


Amen in the name of the Father the Son

and the Holy Spirit spirit

amen Our Father who art in

heaven Hallowed be thy

name thy kingdom come thy will be

done on Earth as it is in

heaven give us this day our daily

bread and forgive us our

trespasses as we forgive those who

trespass against

us and lead us not into

temptation but Deliver Us from


amen Hail Mary full of grace the Lord is

with thee blessed art thou among

women and blessed is the fruit of thy


Jesus holy Mary Mother of God pray for


sinners now and at the hour of our


amen I have faith that this prayer will

help you

share this prayer so that it can help

more and more

people if you liked it please visit our

Channel and watch more videos like

this don’t forget to leave a like on the

video as it tells YouTube that this kind

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videos like this to bless


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