πŸ›‘ God Message For You Today πŸ™πŸ™ | Watch This If You're Going To Haven🎊 | God Says - Free AI Voice Generator

πŸ›‘ God Message For You Today πŸ™πŸ™ | Watch This If You’re Going To Haven🎊 | God Says

God is saying to you today

I will meditate on the Glorious

splinters of your majesty and on the

story of your wonders

merciful and compassionates slow to

anger and great in grave

adoni is good to all his compassion

raised on all his creatures

all your creatures will thank you Adonai

and your Faithful Servants will bless


they will speak of your glory of your

king thief and they will tell about your


too late everyone know up your Mighty ex

and a glorious Majesty of your king


but notice hard times will come in the

last days

four people will be lovers of Shield

lovers of money boastful proud demeaning

this obedient to parents ungrateful

Unholy unlovely and reconcileable

Flanders without self-control brutal

without love for what is good

greater recla is considered lovers or

pleasure rather than lovers of God

holding to the prom of godliness but

denying its power abide these people


type amen if you believe

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