🛑 God Is Searching You To Give His Secret Message ✋| God Message For You Today... - Free AI Voice Generator

🛑 God Is Searching You To Give His Secret Message ✋| God Message For You Today…

God is saying to you today my beloved
holy child can you believe something
worse than being at the doorway to
heaven and hearing me claim that you
ought to go away from me that could be
my assertion to many who did an awful
lot in my call and yet their hearts were
by no means
converted they in no way have become my
followers in righteousness this being
actual many have gained deared how can I
Keo if I might be invited in or told to
go away your Eternal Destiny will not be
decided by way of church attendance or
activities your destiny will be decided
through whether or not you have been
born of the spirit if you watch the
whole video without skipping it God
bless you
abundantly those who been born again
have believed on me and repented of
their sins they hear my voice and follow
me they live in completely satisfied
obedience to my words child concentrate
to my words and comply with
me as you do you may be assured that
after that day comes you may hear me say
come you who are blessed of my father
inherit the Dominion prepared for you
from the foundation of CH
World God says right amen if you believe
in my holy
words remember in Bible verses Matthew
– always says therefore move and
Make Disciples of all Nations baptizing
them inside the call of the father and
of the son and of the Holy Spirit and
coaching them to obey everything you
actually have commanded
you and certainly I am with you
continually to the very stop of the
age God wants you to hear this now God
is usually giving us possibilities to
move forward in existence God desires
you to develop and reach your full
potential anytime you’re taking a Leap
Forward the enemy will try to bring
opposition and adversity in opposition
you but God guarantees that through him
you can overcome any opposition the
enemy brings your way when you step out
in religion and the competition comes
simply maintain status sturdy and doing
what you recognize to do keep praying
maintain believing
keep analyzing and speak me the
word keep preventing the good fight of
religion and going to church keep taking
walks in love and forgiveness and hold
your heart smooth when the enemy sees
which you are extra decided than he is
he’ll back pel and you’ll pass ahead to
new ranges of
Victory stay centered and complete a
irrespective of what comes in opposition
to you as you do you will conquer every
competition and impediment you face to
conquer enter
God is continually searching out for
you he is always preparing you for the
destiny and safeguarding you from for
seed you not even aware of in truth it
really is the essence of modern
verse Jesus invites you to be robust in
him putting on as may as you will
shielding clothing due to the fact
there’s a struggle for you raging where
you cannot see it there is an enemy who
will oppose The Godly lifestyle Christ
has referred to as youo and will do the
whole lot in his electricity to keep you
from serving Jesus Jesus it’s important
that you be privy to this conflict due
to the fact at
times the disappointment or anxiety will
rise up inside you and can absolutely
Crush you you may be more tempted than
ever to give up on God but do not this
is the time to wish extra love him more
and seek him more and maximum in
particular obey him
more his instructions and his approaches
might not make
experience however with the whole lot he
instructs he is guarding an opposition
to something that is past your
vision so recognize that experience of
unrest on your spirit you are under
nonsecular attack fight to win by using
reaffirming your religion and Jesus and
doing as he
says typ our men if you believe my
Offspring one day it just hits you
you’re bored with your habits you are
bored with performing The Identical
habitual you are and interested in
feeling like your soul is not wherein
it’s intended to be you start to Crave
change the manner flowers crave the
solar you begin to
understand the terrible patterns you
unconsciously embedded into your
existence and you’re determined to trade
them you start to sense the power of a
new are you taking over and it appears
like a weight is being
lifted you began to sense the tight
ropes of tension loosening around your
thoughts frame and spirit as you
understand the ending of an an
chapter and the start of a new one
embrace the individual you’re turning
into you’re a robust Warrior who loves
fiercely letting the move is not
supposed to be clean for you it’s
supposed to be
transformative trust the universe’s plan
all that space you’ve been growing is
about to be filled with an abundance of
benefits type I love you Heavenly Father
sweet kids I see the struggles you face
the doubts that cloud your mind and the
moments of uncertainty that weigh upon
your soul but don’t forget my dear
toddler that I am the embodiment of
affection and compassion even when you
can’t fathom my presence my love for you
unwavering life may be full of
complexities and demanding situations
that may appear overwhelming at
instances but consider me for I have an
extra plan in motion sometimes you may
no longer understand why certain matters
show up or why prayers reputedly pass
unanswered but recognize that I am
operating backstage orchestrating
activities to your your last boom and
being share this video with seven people
who believe in God by typing Amen in the
box dear child in those moments a
Darkness surrounds you close your eyes
and sense my Divine embody trust that I
am conserving you tightly cradling you
with a love Beyond human comprehension
my child out your faith and me is a
testimony on your strength and
resilience remember my love knows no
bounds it transcends time and area
achieving into the deepest corners of
your heart even while you experience
alone I am there lightly Whispering
phrases of
consolation and encouragement trust in
my Divine timing for I recognize is what
is satisfactory for you as your God I
cherish our connection and the trust you
regen and me embrace the unknown with
faith and give up trust that my love and
take care of your constant even when
occasions may also recommend in any
other case allow my divine presence to
fill your being with peace and
Solace if you have faith in God typa men
heavenly father is saying to you today
when isues come your manner you
regularly seem surprised you might
imagine how could this take place why
did it appear to what did I do wrong and
yet as I instructed my disciples the
night time of my rest so long as you
continue to be in this
world you may have hassle it as a great
deal part of your life because the air
you breathe and the water you drink but
baby you have get entry to two Comfort
confidence peace and pleasure that the
relaxation of the Arena does now not
have you have me and I even have
conquered the
sector your troubles will in no way take
me through wonder and they’ll by no
means defeat me or ivert my eternal
functions for you even through your best
trials I will prevail I will them
instructed my love Mercy Grace and
strength to you and through you even
whilst Satan is celebrating what appears
to be a victory against you I will turn
as seeming Victory into a real victory
for my father this country nothing can
separate you from my love and purpose
hear my voice and observe me to accept
it with belief please type
dearly adored child of mine don’t
surrender to now not give into
hopelessness or believe there may be
nothing left for you your scenario can
be frustrating due to the fact you
cannot see any alleviation for the a you
experience and the setbacks you’ve got
continued but you’ll make a horrible
mistake in case you end because you
believe you studied your occasions will
never change or get higher God can
intervene at any second in ways that
might absolutely Astound you he has now
not left you neither is he puzzled via
the demanding situations you face
these have all come in order that he can
show himself effective in your behalf
but you cannot surrender on obeying him
and doing what’s right due to the fact
in case you do you’ll omit his great
provision write Jesus’s Supreme
King let us not emerge as weary and
doing top for at the proper time we will
gain a harvest if we do not give up
– lovely son in the moments of Doubt
bear in mind the instances when I have
been faithful to you in the past reflect
on the reped prayers the unexpected
blessings and the instances once I
carried you through the
storms I am the same yesterday these
days and all the time unchanging in my
love and and
faithfulness remember that religion does
now not imply having all of the answers
or understanding the outcome of every
scenario it is about trusting me in the
midst of
uncertainty understanding that I keep
the future and have your first class
Hobbies at heart when you sense andure
flip to me in prayer and searching for
my guidance for I promise to give you
the knowhow you need when You Face
adversity flip to me in prayer and
locate solace in my promises let my
power be your anchor offering a
corporation Foundation amidst life
storms embrace the power of my strength
to obtain a type
dear listener join this prayer with
me and repeat after me father I come to
you inside the name of Jesus washed by
using his blood and guided by way of the
Holy Spirit I ask for your forgiveness
for allowing in Godly mind and all
corruptible seeds to put hold of my
reminiscence so or any element of my
being I Repent forgetting into any
agreement with or pleasing the voice of
The Stranger
and any fiery Dart from Satan’s State I
take my authority as your child and I
bind blind mute and deafen each thoughts
binding Spirit deaf and dumb Spirit each
tormenting deceiving condemning
hindering lying Spirit of bondage
Madness deception perversion worry
jealousy tension anger to light
resentment acquainted Antichrist
oppression illness
Shai every strong man and some other
Spirit associated with any stronghold in
my Lifestyles and forg them out of me
and ship them to the pit in jesus’ name
I curse each corruptable seed that
became planted in my thoughts memory
eyes ears heart conscience and
subconscious imagination emotions dreams
and could I command that those
corruptible seeds wither and I breaking
their strength and loosing myself from
each Associated spirit with these seeds
I now solid out those Spirits setting a
bloodline of Christ Jesus round My Soul
Protected Me From Evil penetrated
ation I now bind my thoughts to the
thoughts of Christ and my spirit soul
and frame to the presence of the Lord
his love and truth type if you
agree I decree that Godly thoughts will
now rise up and reject and godly Mind
through taking them captive and casting
them down I now G my thoughts with the
helmet of Sal ation and growth my defend
of Faith to save you fiery darts from
leaving and
influence I decree that I even have a
legitimate thoughts that cooperates with
the mind of Christ and that he who’s in
me is more than he who’s within the
world I now put up to God and withstand
the Satan casting my cares upon the Lord
because he cares for me I get hold of
the Love Of Christ and the filling of
the holy spirit with peace joy and
righteousness I thank you Father for my
new freedom and want to be a witness of
your energy to the arena in jesus’ name
amen please give your Superior support
to our Channel our work is to bring
happiness and Devotion to God in your
life and if you like it you can Don
donate through super thanks

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