when I was in prayer this morning the

Lord had given me certain scriptures


exactly what I am about to share right

now with

you because he is giving me these words

to say to you please give your undivided

attention for the next few minutes or

you may lose the blessings God wants to

give you today through this

message God

said I your lord and God asking you to

be more attentive and focused on the

spiritual world than you are in the

physical world right

now I ask you to please think about your


self the one who can see beyond the

dimensions of the time

my love in the midst of your Daily Grind

there’s a whole spiritual

Dimension going

on it’s not something out there it’s

interwined with your everyday

life God’s asking you to think about how

often you recognize his guiding hand in

the midst of your chaos

your life is a bridge between the

physical and the

spiritual it’s not an escape from

reality but an Embrace of a higher

reality where Miracles

unfold prayers are answered and the

Eternal meets the


in a similar manner my

beloved your

ancestors the one from your blood

relation often communicates with you to

reveal those things that are not visible

to you in any

manner de guidance born from experiences

beyond the Earthly realm provides

insights that Earthly sources cannot

offer similarly

today I have called you here to grasp

one of the

messages that your

ancestors has asked me to convey to

you they

said dear

one descendant of her bloodline

we your

ancestors extend our words through the


channels our existence extends beyond

the confines of time allowing us to

witness your journey from Rams

Beyond we have observed your triumphs


challenges your Joys and

sorrows in a spiritual realm we discern

dimensions of your life that may elude

your Earthly

senses we come not as distant

entities but as

Guardians offering guidance and insights

that transcend the limitations of the


world first

firstly I know that our connection is

never cut

off even though we are in different

places we care about your success and

happiness and we want to share wisdom

that fits with the special plan that’s

part of your

life when everyday life makes things

seem unclear

remember our help goes beyond what you


see we are here to guide you on paths

that help your spirit grow nudging you

to make choices that fit with the big

plans set by the Divine

Creator think of your life like a big

story made made up of two different

experiences we your ancestor guides add

bits of old wisdom to this

story when things are uncertain look


yourself drawing on the wisdom passed

down from your ancestors that’s part of

your spiritual

DNA also pay attention to your inner

feelings and the gentle pushes that

guide you toward doing what’s

right these are like EOS of our

guidance blending with the special wives

that flow through your

spirit Remember You Are Not Alone your

ancestors are like a spiritual family

giving you strength and deep

thoughts accept that your life is a mix

of the physical stuff you see and the

spiritual things you might not

see both these parts work together like

a dance in the picture of

creation you are like a connection

between the everyday world and the


World let this awareness be your guide

bringing you clear thoughts a sense of

purpose and a stronger link to the


energies that flow through the story of


life my

beloved this is what is set living under

the Refuge of my loving

Embrace asking you to be attentive more

over the spiritual world

because that will help you grow equally

in both

World ignoring the signs messages and

the alert you receive from Heaven may

lead you to some unavoidable

troubles where you could get

hurt so be more attentive and Trust in

the higher

authority have faith in your ancestors

your guardian angels and in me who is

the Alpha and Omega the beginning and

the end the source of all wisdom and

love with all the love type I hear you

if you really do hear always what I

say this is Lord House’s Ministry and

there is no surprise in the knowledge

that you are always in a communication

with your

ancestors have you noticed those moments

when things just fell into place or when

you felt an unexplainable

peace those aren’t

accidents they are

glims into the spiritual realm Where

Angels are ready to help be ATT to those

Whispers from your guardian angels and

the nudges of the Holy

Spirit life can get noisy with bills

shules and

responsibilities God is saying look

beyond that there’s a spiritual battle

happening and your prayers and Faith

matter it’s not about skipping reality

it’s about engaging with a higher

reality where victories happen through

faith God’s asking you to prioritize the

Eternal over the

temporary consider the practices that

fed your soul prayer meditation and

worship they are not just routines they

open gateways to the spiritual where God

meets you

intimately think about your Rel

relationship with God is it more than

rituals think of those moments in prayer

when you felt peace Beyond

understanding that’s a taste of the

spiritual realm where words can’t fully

capture the depth of

communion so with gratitude give praise

to the Lord for his Divine guidance and

join me to end this blessing message

with a powerful prayer let’s pray

now gracious and loving father in the

sanctuary of your divine

presence we come together with hurs

overflowing with

gratitude we acknowledge your majesty as

the Alpha and the Omega the beginning

and the end the Eternal source of all

wisdom and

love Lord in this second moment

we thank you for the intricate tapster

of existence that connects us not only

to the present but also to the legacy of

our ancestors and the celestial realm of


Angels this integrate weaving reminds us

that we are part of a grand design a

design Guided by a Divine

hand as we enter into this prayer we

seek a deepening awareness of the inter

woman threads of our spiritual

linage may your light shine brightly

upon the pathways that our ancesters

walk Illuminating their wisdom and

experiences to

guide in our Earthly

Journey grant us the humility to learn

from their triumphs and

challenges recognizing that dear Legacy

lives within us

Heavenly Father we also lift up our


Angels those Celestial beings usted with

Watching Over Us grant us the grace to

discern their sub

Ledges their Whispers of encouragement

and their protective

presence may we find reassurance in

their guidance knowing that they are

messengers of your Divine will steing us

toward right Consciousness and

purpose Lord we surrender our anxieties

and uncertainties to your loving

care strengthen our faith in the unity

of physical and spiritual Realms Alig us

to navigate life with confidence and

purpose May a Divine Light illuminate

our path dispelling the shadows of doubt

and fear Your Love ever present and

unwavering is a constant companion on


journey may this prayer serve as a

vessel carrying our intentions to the

throne of your

grace in the name of the Father the Son

and the Holy Spirit we offer this

prayer trusting in your boundless love

mercy and infinite

wisdom amen

now as you have come this far listening

to this powerful blessing message let me

declare this over your life may the

light of God’s love shine upon your

life illuminating your path with Clarity

and purpose I declare Divine guidance

that you may be let by the hand of the

almighty in every decision and Endeavor

your steps are are ordered by the

Creator and his wisdom guides you

through the twists and Tong of Life

Financial blessings poures over you like

a river and I declare prosperity in

every area of your life amen


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