🔥GOD SAYS, "THE DEVIL IS RUNNIG AFTER YOUR LIFE | God's Message Today #Prophecy | Lord Helps Ep~1212 - Free AI Voice Generator

🔥GOD SAYS, “THE DEVIL IS RUNNIG AFTER YOUR LIFE | God’s Message Today #Prophecy | Lord Helps Ep~1212

my dear child the devil is behind
you take out minutes to hear these
words because they will guide how to
overcome the tacus of devil through the
strength I will p through upon all the
ones who are going to listen to my words
until the very
I am here to guide you and protect you
from your biggest
enemy say and type it I love you God if
you are ready to heed my
guidance after the next minutes you
will sense the presence of the devil
you but fear not for you will also
experience my presence protecting you in
my loving
embrace my
beloved I want to share with you my deep
love and
understanding I hope you can feel how
much I care for you and how much I want
to bless your life
however there’s one important thing I’d
like you to
remember avoid feeling like you are
entitled to my
gifts it’s absolutely okay to accept the
blessings I give you with a grateful
but be ready to let them go when the
time is right without holding any
resentment life can sometimes throw
challenges your way that make it hard to
joyful big losses like your job home
health or the passing of a loved one can
bring immense pain and sorrow
it’s completely natural to grieve during
times but I encourage you to try and
focus on the good that remains and find
joy in knowing that I will always be
you you can still be sad about your
circumstances while also so finding
moments of
Joy much like the Apostle Paul did
during his many
trials the Holy Spirit gave Paul the
strength to find Joy even in the
times and he can do the same for
you you just need to be willing to let
go of what I might take from you no
matter how painful it may
be and turn your full attention to me
that I will never let you
go when life’s challenges becomes too
much to
pair take a moment to listen to my
voice hear me saying take courage it’s
me don’t be
afraid I understand that it’s not easy
to listen to me when you are
stressed it takes discipline and
Trust sometimes the chaos of racing
thoughts can make it hard to hear my
in those moments you can ask the Holy
Spirit to calm your mind so you can hear
voice always remember that I am the
prince of peace and I am by your side at
times I’m not just with you you but I’m
also right there with you in your
circumstances and I am in control of
everything that happens in your
life while I’m never the source of evil
I do have the power to use difficult
situations to bring about good in the
end this doesn’t take away the pain you
may feel but it does give your suffering
a sense of purpose and
meaning so even during life
storms I urge you to find
courage look for signs of my lasting
presence in your current situation
and you will find me when you seek me
with all your
heart even when external circumstances
don’t go your way your life can still
have a
goodness I understand that you may want
to be in
control but my ways are not the same as
yours I want you to find rest in my
sovereignity and embrace each day as a
gift from me no matter what it
holds you are not responsible for things
beyond your control so
remember your own Li limitations and
keep turning your gauge towards
me stop trying so hard and understand
that I am
God recognize my loving
presence which can bring
joy to even the most challenging
days allow me to guide you through each
day step by step because as a follower
you’re always facing spiritual battles
even on seemingly normal
days sometimes these battle may be minor
but stay vigilant as you follow me on
your life’s
path use your faith to protect yourself
from the negative
influences that come your way and reject
the lies that try to mislead
you humble yourself under my mighty hand
because I am actively working in your
life even when you don’t realize
it there might be times when you feel
trapped by
circumstances beyond your
control in those moments
it’s tempting to grow impatient with me
and my
ways but this only creates
frustration and distance between
us when you feel overwhelmed by your
circumstances try shifting your
perspective by looking up to
me have the courage to say Lord I humble
myself under your Mighty hand submit to
ways even when I long for
Freedom this approach protects you from
fighting against the Creator and
sustainer of the
universe instead of battling use your
energy to navigate the
situation and gain wisdom from
it trust that I will ultimately lift you
up and relieve your suffering in my
timing I encourage you to be strong and
brave even when you feel
weak your strength
doesn’t depend on your
circumstances but on your confidence in
my presence with
you and for
you when you are feeling weak keep your
focus on
me I am the one leading the way one step
at a time even when everything seems to
be going
don’t give into
discouragement and remember that I am a
god of
surprises I’m not bound by your
limitations or what you think is
possible with
me all things are
possible remember the devil cannot
defeat you as long as you choose to walk
under my protecting
wings so choose me over the devil and
you will be
saved for now God is asking you to pray
this powerful prayer because it
possesses the power to protect you from
the devil and his evil skin
this dear heavenly
father I come before you in Humble
prayer seeking your Divine
protection against the schemes of the
devil and all the forces of Darkness
that seek to harm and
deceive you are the
almighty the source of of all goodness
and light and I place my trust in your
power and
love I pray Lord that you place a
protective shield around me and all
those I hold
dear guard us from the Ws of the evil
one who seeks to lead us
astray and feel her hurt with doubt and
fear strengthen our
faith so we may stand firm against the
devil’s cunning
father please grant us the wisdom to
recognize the Temptations and traps that
the enemy lays before
help us discern the difference between
right and wrong and give us the courage
to resist the AAR of
sin guard our thoughts and emotions from
influences and help us focus on what is
pure lovely and
praiseworthy in the name of Jesus Christ
I rebuke all evil spirits and cast them
away from our
lives let your angels encamp around us
providing a wall of
protection shield us from har whether
physical spiritual or
emotional thank you for your unwavering
love and
protection in Jesus name we pray
amen now please please send this message
to your loved ones and protect them from
the devil’s
attacks Play Your Part and also
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