✝️🛑God Says: I Have POWERFUL🔥 Message💌 To Fulfill YOUR WISHES💫🌟✝️🌠 | Gods Message Now | God Message - Free AI Voice Generator

✝️🛑God Says: I Have POWERFUL🔥 Message💌 To Fulfill YOUR WISHES💫🌟✝️🌠 | Gods Message Now | God Message

my beloved child I see the depths of your heart the hidden Corners where you

think your secrets are safe but remember you and I share those sacred places and nothing is hidden from

my gaze do not believe that you are defeated by the problems you see do not

be overwhelmed by fear from bad news or seemingly negative situations for I am

always in control of your life I work all things for the good of those I love

and you are among my cherished ones with my blood I have cleansed you with my

spirit I have filled you I have empowered you to be all that you can be

cling to me with a sincere heart always seeking refuge in my love and now as you

embrace my word be assured that even your mistakes will be turned to your

advantage you will not suffer anymore your family will prosper as time passes

you will witness your growth the Fulfillment of your dreams and the realization of the plans I have for you

my dear child I am here and I have never left your side there is no need to be afraid or

lose hope for nothing harmful will come your way this is yet another test a

challenge that I have allowed in your life remember I am in control just as

I’ve assured you before please Focus your attention on my

words for they hold great meaning and I wish for you to embrace them

fully I’ve watched as life’s challenges have overwhelmed you leaving you feeling powerless and

weak I understand your pain as you witness the crumbling of the life you’ve worked so hard to

build you might believe that you can hide your emotions from the world but I

see deep into your heart and I know the wounds it carries I’m aware that you carry birth burdens from the past

memories that haunt you relentlessly I understand all that you’re going through and I accept you

just as you are weaknesses and all if you feel this message is not just

for you but for someone else in need share it with them for in sharing you

can save a soul I deeply bless those who spread these words without shame listen

carefully I love you and I want you to genuinely and wholeheartedly believe it

I also ask that you come to me every morning nourish your soul with my word

and ignite the flame of Faith within you let that flame burn away the fears

that hinder your progress you cannot enter your Promised Land If you still fear false Giants that

terrify you with lies you cannot reap the fruits of Victory unless you dare to take a step

of faith and entrust all your abilities struggles and failures into my hands at

this stage of your life do not waste time doubting the blessings I am about to pour upon

you remember that on that cross your enemies were defeated and I bore the

punishment for all your sins your debt has been paid and there

are no more sins to account for you are seated beside me in the

Supernatural realm Anointed with Heavenly oil and sweet like honey know

this you are not a feeble insignificant being destined for failure resigned to a

life plagued by emotions that Rob you of your right to succeed I speak of true and tangible

Triumph of Liberation from debts Financial healing forgiveness Harmony in

your home wisdom and discernment in your soul and Supernatural peace within your

mind keep walking your path without constantly seeking validation from

others I command you not to be enslaved by the opinions of negative individuals

who covet your potential and attempt to steal what I wish to bestow upon you

believe in me wholeheartedly rely on my promises and distance yourself from

those who Harbor ill intentions Victory is within your grasp

and Triumph awaits you strength joy and peace will be yours

every morning I am here waiting to whisper words of tenderness and affection in

your ear filling you with immeasurable strength and happiness I am blessing your life and

your home do you believe will you receive it will you love me more each

day come my child today is a new day and you are destined for great blessings

and never forget I am your Shepherd and you shall not lack anything I am your

provider everything you need will be supplied I am your shelter I will

envelop you in my love I bestow healing upon you I am your protector under the

shelter of my peace you will find safety my word is truth my promises are

unwavering and everything I have spoken to you will come to pass for I am God

and I am steadfast I will fulfill what I have declared I will guide you handin hand

along the path I have chosen for you regardless of the circumstances you encounter even when you think a miracle

is beyond reach trust in me with all your heart commit your plans to me each day

prioritize me in your endeavors I will always be with you ready to assist

I have displayed my love to you even on the darkest days when you believed your sins had driven me away While others may

have abandoned you criticized you wounded you or belittled you I

approached you with understanding Grace love forgiveness and tenderness lifting

you from the pit of despair do not doubt do not waver

profess with your lips that you will trust me no matter the trth trials that come your way regardless of the

obstacles you will emerge victorious in all your endeavors eternally I love you if I did not

abandon you yesterday I will never abandon you today I have always been with you

through the good days and the bad in times of joy and sorrow I have not rejected you I have

not forgotten you stand firm and if you feel your faith faltering Proclaim all

the promises I have bestowed upon you declare them to those who trouble

you let them know that I am with you every day until the end you rely on me

hold fast to my grace do not dwell on doubts regarding whether you deserve

these blessings when you wake each day don’t let your thoughts plunge into chow

and worry instead begin with gratitude D for your family for your life

for the time you still have and for the longing in your soul to make things right I love you and I’ve shown Mercy

for a long time I haven’t punished you for your mistakes nor have I abandoned

you because of a single act of Disobedience to my Commandments Thou shalt not kill Thou shalt not bear false

witness Thou shalt not lie Thou shalt not slander Thou shalt not humiliate nor

shall you live in Perpetual betrayal there are many things we could

discuss and no sin is greater than another each transgression can bring

heavy consequences adultery and fornication can harm your body and life but so can

slander lies pride and discrimination they too can be destructive causing pain and tearing

families apart if these words resonate with your soul if you feel it’s my Holy Spirit

speaking to you today then strive to seek me daily to receive my word and to obey it

do it now for I am always near to seek me is to come with faith

believing I will answer and patiently awaiting the blessings I will bestow in my perfect timing come into my presence

today and confide in someone you trust pour out your heart your burdens will be

lifted your guilt and anguish will be Cast Away from this day forward nothing shall

hinder the blessings the future of goodness and peace I have prepared for

you today you have felt my love and there’s someone else in your life who

needs to hear these words please share them with all your heart I love you with

all my heart good morning and thank you for listening to these words they gift

you with peace listen to them once more letter by letter and you will feel my

presence beside you caressing your heart and soothing your soul Dear Heart You are not alone and if

you stay with me no harm shall befall you be still close your eyes and weep no

more for every tear carries a message and your tears convey your needs but my

voice heals and comforts you easing your anxieties My Embrace dries your tears

and envelops you in Sur rity it’s not your time to depart

yet stay a while longer I want your soul to leave here

strengthened unafraid to face the world to walk through shadowy valleys and

deserts with confidence knowing you are surrounded and protected by my eternal love day and night feel it embrace it

believe it my Holy Spirit enfolds you with affection and guards you from The Perils of the

world declare aloud my heavenly father is with me no enemy has power over me

guard your tongue speak no evil share No false Tales never humiliate those who

serve you faithfully and never lie to those who employ you if you’ve AED in

this come before my presence I forgive your transgressions purify your heart but

seek me in prayer each morning I desire to free your soul from guilt

and remorse I gave my life upon the cross and rose again so you may be

liberated from mental and spiritual suffering you are human and in this

world your body soul and mind can grow weary even my devoted servants who led

holy lives experienced fatigue and made mistakes yet they humbly acknowledged

their sins and returned to this altar of forgiveness they Rose to battle and

triumphed without faltering come to me now if you are weary if you believe you have failed if

you have spoken thoughtlessly if you have wounded a loved one without thought or if you are

ens snared by a harmful habit whether physical or mental if you truly love me and believe

I want to help you come I touch your lips cleanse your heart you you are

forgiven never return to those same sins I am renewing your spirit and

motivation You Will Rise Like A Champion leave behind guilt and moments

of Sorrow if you wish to remember something remember the times of

Happiness your past victories as you did before with

unwavering Faith you will conquer again with this loving Embrace I

offer I command you to face life with faith and determination I am with you I love you

my Champion you must exercise patience through all that unfolds in your life

you need to calm yourself amid the storm remember I honor your faith everything

happening now even if it seems incomprehensible has a purpose though

you may not understand it at this moment when it concludes and you attain the blessings I have prepared for you you

will comprehend trust in me believe have patience and learn to wait you have

received many good things because you persevered in even more awaits I know

you are disheartened at times overwhelmed by the trials that test your faith but do not yield instead stand

firm I will soon reaffirm your steps in the direction you must tread the path

leading to my blessings I know you are weary at times feeling that everything is taking too

long you may believe there are too many reasons to give up but I ask you to keep

believing this trial you are experiencing today is making you stronger no one can steal the blessings

that are coming the gifts I bestow upon you do not give up my child keep waiting

patiently and trust in me for I am your God I am preparing a blessed and

wonderful future for you I will deliver you from these trials and place you in a Haven of Peace joy and honor you can

wait a little longer can’t you tell me that you will I love you I understand

how you feel I know your heart intimately and nothing can be hidden from me no matter how hard you

try you know you can come to me with confidence day or night whenever you

wish you can share your situation tell me how how you are feeling for I am

attentive to your emotions and needs it has always been this way how

could you think you don’t matter to me I rescued you and gave you a new life you

know you cannot expect love and understanding from this world but with me you have everything you need and more

to satisfy your yearning for peace to fill your life with my love to overflow

your heart with that powerful emotion born of the Assurance of being

profoundly loved because I love you and that has been the truth even when you doubted

during times of adversity my love for you never wavered I loved you love you and will continue

to love you cease trusting those who betray you stop giving your affection to

those who do not value it do not Place anyone else above me the primary place in your heart is

mine give it to me acknowledge me respect me hold me in the reverence I

deserve in your life I alone must be your God your lord your

king no one else should occupy my place this is one of the reasons you

have been feeling unwell lately sensing something within you that you cannot

explain let me tell you what is happening there is a void in your heart

that will will grow immense if you reject my love that’s why you feel sad why you

wake up in the night weeping you long to be loved but you’re seeking it in the wrong

place no one in this world can love you as deeply as I do come to me for peace

love and rest what are you waiting for do you prefer to continue giving your

life and affection to those who make you suffer will you wait until you’re

hurting again before returning to me in tears even so I will welcome you with

open arms because my love surpasses your mistakes and poor decisions however you don’t have to wait

for that suffering to come before Drawing Near to me come to me now and let me hold you close with tenderness a

demonstration of my infinite love today I am right here waiting for

you do not let despair consume you I am here to assist you even before your

words reach your lips my ears are always ready to listen know that I cherish you

deeply and I yearn to lift you from the trials and challenges that weigh you down you’ve come to me today because you

trust that I will extend my hand mend your wounds erase the scars of the past

and restore the blessings you once held understand that I love and admire

you your courage in the face of adversity fills my heart with

joy keep believing and trusting for I am your real faithful and mighty God

Forever by your side I urge you to distance yourself from those who Mock and seek to steal

your joy they are not your friends but individuals who have forsaken fi and

envy the brightness of your destiny they recognize the depth of my love for you

but cannot accept it the primary place in your heart is mine give it to me acknowledge me

respect me hold me in the reverence I deserve in your life I alone must be

your God your lord your king no one else should occupy my

place this is one of the reasons you have been feeling unwell lately sensing something within you that you cannot

explain let me tell you what is happening there is a void in your heart

that will grow immense if you reject my love that’s why you feel sad while you

wake up in the night weeping you long to be loved but you’re seeking it in the wrong

place no one in this world can love you as deeply as I do come to me for peace

love and rest what are you waiting for do you prefer to continue giving your

life and affection to those who make you suffer will you wait until you’re hurt

again before returning to me in tears even so I will welcome you with

open arms because my love surpasses your mistakes and poor decisions however you don’t have to wait

for that suffering to come before Drawing Near to me come to me now and let me hold you close with tenderness a

demonstration of my infinite love today I am right here waiting for

you do not let despair consume you I am here to assist you even before your

words reach your lips my ears are always ready to listen know that I cherish you deeply and I

yearn to lift you from the trials and challenges that weigh you down you’ve come to me today because you trust that

I will extend my hand mend your wounds erase the scars of the past and restore

the blessings you once held understand that I love and admire you you your courage in the face of

adversity fills my heart with joy keep believing and trusting for I am

your real faithful and mighty God Forever by your side I urge you to distance yourself

from those who Mock and seek to steal your joy they are not your friends but

individuals who have forsaken fi and envy the brightness of your destiny they recognize the depth of my

love for you but cannot accept it do not waste your precious time

trying to convince them or seeking their approval I will remove those who harm

you from your path and bring into your life those who genuinely love you leave despair behind and do not let worry

occupy your thoughts or negativity invade your soul guard your mind with the helmet of

Faith Shield your heart with the armor of righteousness take hold of the sword of my holy word and prepare for a battle

that you will undoubtedly win you shall not be defeated and you will never

suffer defeat again even in moments of weakness and stumbling I promise to lift you up once

more Embrace this challenge do not allow anxiety to imprison your future prepare

to fight with all your might against discouragement and fear declare your

faith in me and your ready to Triumph I will bless your home heal your

body soothe your soul and mend your family situation I speak to you directly

because I long to see you joyful at peace and confident in the knowledge that you have a bright future and a new

life ahead when you spend time with me it allows me to embrace you and reassure

you of My reality my deep love for you and my protection against evil this is

the Legacy I wish to bestow upon you in life today believe in me wholeheartedly

and accept it do not continue to believe that you are condemned to suffer the consequences of past sins you live in a

troubled world but it is a world I’ve overcome you are a child of the almighty

God and this promise is yours trust and have faith in me with every step you

take in this world and its tribulations you too shall Triumph I see you Weeping

at times unsure of the reason I will reveal to you the cause of this sorrow

it is a deep yearning to return to me your heart misses me your spirit Longs

for me and your entire being knows that without me you are incomplete life may

feel like it’s slipping away but you have yet to experience the peace and joy you’ve been waiting for as you watch

your loved ones drift drifting further away each day remember I am right here beside you beside me flows a fountain of

blessings it’s Waters quenching your thirst and washing away all sorrow drink

from this water cleanse your head and let go of those melancholic thoughts you

will never thirst again this is my promise to you your faith has borne

fruit my word has healed you you welcome me into your home and here I will stay

guarding and blessing your family bestowing upon you more than you can

fathom today I sense a hint of sadness in your eyes I see the weariness in your

expression and understand your need for strength to forge ahead with courage

come confidently to me there’s no reason for you to spend your days devoid of motivation or hope I am your father not

in some distant realm but right beside you always there even when you

momentarily lose sight of me take my hand now rise and let’s walk through the

corridors of your thoughts share with me your fears the reasons for your despair

why you contemplate abandoning your destiny the world can be harsh as a

child your eyes sparkled with curiosity and hope you offered your pure smile

freely but later deceptions and betay Trails dimmed your hope stifled your

laughter and broke your spirit Your Love dimmed trust faded and

belief in me waned but trust me now I understand you as intimately as I know

the stars in the sky just as I called each Star by name I am aware of every burden you carry every

minor ache we speak the same language and I know exactly what will comfort you

as we walk let me tell you of a place where you are deeply loved in this place

you are recognized and valued in your true Essence every moment of your life whether day or night you are watched

over with love in this place every need of your soul is fulfilled here you are truly yourself a

child of the omnipotent made in the image of the creator of the universe never forget this if you stumble again

remember that in the most beautiful place in the entire universe there is a special place reserved just for

you nothing can ever remove you from there yes deep within my heart you are

safeguarded with all the rights of my child you can come and speak with me every morning even if you feel unworthy

do not be misled by my blood I have redeemed your life and from this place no force can

ever remove you even if the entire universe shakes nothing can snatch you

away nothing can sever you from my love you remain steadfast continuing to

fight alive and resilient you have chosen to believe in my promises and this fills you with

Divine Supernatural strength nothing can overcome you no one

can defeat you hold on to these words and continue to with stand the Relentless assaults

that the enemy uses to try and scare you to make you forsake your dreams but he will not Prevail you

belong to me with my mighty hand I protect you with my shining sword I

defend you your Victory is always found in my word look into the mirror of my

promises and know that you are cherished and valued by me the toughest battle is

against your own emotions which can can sometimes mislead you into feeling and thinking things that aren’t true and

could bring you down do not be swayed by fleeting emotions you will have all that you need

to bless your family and share with those in need abundance of provision health

strength and peace will be yours however you must exercise your

faith and come to receive these blessings doubt no more do not retreat

Into Darkness I speak to you because I want you to come and I desire to answer your

prayers I will remove curses and ailments from you and your family I am not here to take from you if it appears

so it is because I have even greater blessings in store you are entering a crucial and

decisive moment you have transformed so profoundly you are not the same as

yesterday you are prepared you will make decisions with confidence

do not seek approval from those who only Harbor negativity towards you do not

strive to please those who do not wish for your prosperity for when you share your plans with them they will try to

discourage you coaxing you back to a place of defeat and

despair but it shall not come to pass for I am with you you will walk

ceaselessly and when the doors swing open you will step forward with faith and I will enter with

you all the troubles that once burdened you will be heard and I will bestow

wondrous blessings upon you but I want you to guard them carefully use them wisely so that they

may multiply and serve as the foundation for even greater blessings when the time

arrives you and your family will take giant strides towards a brighter future encourage your children in their

education inspire ire them to dream grandly they too can serve me in

countless ways with their talents and intelligence they can transform entire

families and Nations right within your home many will come and you will lay

your hands upon them in response to your prayers I will personally heal the sick

solve their problems and mend their wounds a magnificent spiritual Revival

is commencing within your family you are living in the last days and many are proclaiming it seeking to

unravel the mysteries of my return but in their hearts they do not truly seek

me I will only reveal my love to those who believe in me wholeheartedly with

Integrity those who are unafraid to surrender their souls carry my word and

give their lives for this message and the love of

others this is the powerful seed that I I am planting within you now pay attention to where you are

hearing it and engrave the day and the hour in your heart stand tall and gaze upon the

Horizon as far as your eyes can see I will use your life to radiate my

glory to distant lands foreign soil where unfamiliar languages are

spoken but I will touch you and my Holy Spirit Will manifest through you and

your family [Music] a spiritual Revolution is beginning since the Inception of this

journey I have held your hand guiding you through the valleys of Shadows so

you need not fear regardless of the challenges that meet your gaze and the

trials you encounter fear not my cherished child for your father who adores you will

never abandon you now tell me do you believe in me do you find comfort in My

Embrace I am the unique holy and Supernatural solution to all your

troubles I am your God your savior the one who opens doors and clears your path

I am your provider your Shield your life and future rest in my hands you and your

family are wrapped in my loving Embrace today you feel my presence in a real and

Powerful way


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