⚠️MY CHILD YOU HAVE A CHOICE TO MAKE । God's Message Now For You Today | God Helps - Free AI Voice Generator

⚠️MY CHILD YOU HAVE A CHOICE TO MAKE । God’s Message Now For You Today | God Helps

the despair that grips your soul the path has been long the troubles

manifold but fear not for I have never left your side I have been with you

through every trial every sorrow my hand has upheld you even when

you did not perceive it and now the appointed time for your Liberation draws

near the shackles that have bound you will fall away the blinders over your

eyes will be removed what was once hidden from you will be revealed in dazzling

Clarity do not despair any longer my child your freedom is at hand the light

of my countenance will shine upon your life transforming every

circumstance where there was barrenness fruitfulness Will Spring forth where

there was lack abundance shall overflow the oil of my spirit will

sustain you as you step into the destiny I have prepared for you from the foundation of the

world but this great Victory will not come all at once as with the rising of

the morning sun no it will Dawn slowly gradually like the emerging of the

Harvest first the tender Chute then the budding flow the ripening fruit be

patient trust my timing I know precisely what you need and when you need it even

now changes are a foot burdens once heavy feel lighter relationships

fractured will mend doors closed will crack open for I am making All Things

New in your life I am restoring the broken places I am rekindling the fires

of of passion and purpose that have grown dim my extravagant love for you knows no bounds I Delight in you with

utter completeness you are the apple of my eye The Jewel In My Crown my precious

treasure I love you with an everlasting love that cannot be measured or contained remember this my beloved

whenever the storms of life assail you and Marvel at the Wonders I have in

store beyond your liberation I am also transforming the circumstances of your

life your health will be renewed your family restored your finances met with

abundance blessings you have not imagined will overtake you open your

eyes to see what I have already set before you the gifts are all around

waiting for you to unwrap them I am positioning you for increase on every

side opening up opportunities Beyond Your Wildest Dreams

step out in faith to discover them dare to believe that my promises are true and

my Storehouse is overflowing ask me for the Nations as your inheritance and I will give them

gladly I am building you into a strong tower I am making you a conduit of my

miraculous Supply not by Earthly might or power but by my spirit hovering over

the darkness Awakening Hearts to my extravagant love many will be astounded

at my glorious intervention on their behalf and your enlarging capacity will become a Showcase of my goodness to

attract multitudes more into my family for I am still in the business of reconciling Wayward Sons and Daughters

to myself my heart breaks for my children wandering in a famine of

spirit I never give up seeking after my lost ones so go and tell those battered

Souls that I am running to meet them on the road of return speak my tender words to their weary hearts that I stand ready

to receive them robed and ringed as my cherished children once more no matter

how far they have strayed down crooked paths into deep Wilderness still I wait

yearning for their homecoming every man and woman has gone astray from my ways some more grievously

than others but all have fallen short that is why I Came In the Flesh to

seek and save the lost to absorb the wages of sin in my own body to reconcile

my wayward children to myself eternally for whosoever believes shall

not perish but inherit everlasting life so receive this cleansing once and for

all cease striving to attain Holiness by your poultry efforts simply run to me

when you fall my Mercy Seat stands open the fountain never stops flowing drink

deeply and refresh your parched soul for I will not deal with you according to

your sins I choose to remember them no more they are washed away I relate to

you now through the lens of my grace alone and from that place of acceptance

I call you to walk in the fullness of your renewed identity as my precious son

my beautiful daughter have you been listening my beloved receiving this word into your

inward Parts let it sink down deeply watering the seeds of faith I have

planted in you for I am growing you into a towering tree under which many find

Sucker from life’s blistering heat I will cultivate perseverance in

you teaching you to Hope fiercely no matter the odds I myself will graft Heavenly power

into your Earthly frame until Miracles flow naturally as sap rising in Spring

and I will enrich your mind as well deepening your discernment of the time so you can guide others through

confusing days study the scriptures commit them to Memory for

strength pray without ceasing stay ever near the sound of my voice so that you

always know which way to go which path to take learn wisdom and how to apply

knowledge rightly above all remain humble trusting

me over personal intellect for my thoughts supersede yours as the Heaven’s

Tower over Earth bring me your most perplexing dilemmas the counselor

Whispers Solutions into those who wait on him draw peace from The Well of my

presence when anxiety threatens on every side I remain an anchor for your soul

when everything seems a drift most vital cultivate an extravagant generosity of

Spirit by giving to those in Need Not only money and goods but also so time

attention affection reach out to the neglected and forgotten with my heart of

compassion beating in you touch their wounds with healing in my name free

captives from various prisons through the power of my word as you water others

I will in turn Reign abundantly upon your own life resist fleshly urges

toward selfishness toward hoarding my blessings for your sole benefit surrender Earthly security to

reap Eternal rewards give freely what I have freely given in this way much fruit will acre

to your account fruit that withstands fiery trials and accompanies you into

Eternity for selfless generosity outpour rivers of Resurrection Life to recipient

and Giver alike lavish love multiplies s liberally in

faith again I beseech you throw off false humility that binds you

to lack release fears of future poverty that lock away resources meant for

present distribution do you not perceive my storehouses ever full to

overflowing have I not promise to satisfy your every need from Heaven’s infinite Supply take me at my word

beloved walk in confident trust that your commission precedes provision you are no longer subject to

the world’s cruel economic realities transfer your citizenship to

my kingdom where all debts are paid in full where Resurrection Life swallows

death dealing want cross over into abundant existence and watch Miracles multiply

through willing hands never forget the battle belongs to

me your struggles ultimately prove theater for showcasing my mighty

Deliverance ways to witness Redemption firsthand the size of your crisis

measures the potential display of my glory when I show up as deliverer therefore Lift High the standard of

Praise even amid swirling uncertainties pound Spear and shield with bold

proclamations of my faithfulness my goodness worship dissolves dread into

awe filled surrender and clears the air of despair’s fog from such altar of

adoration I Rise up to route your enemies break the teeth of deception

uncoil constricting lies invite Angel armies into fry with

songs they race to Champion those whose voices testify of me surround yourself

with Sacred Music that opens Heavenly portals march to Melodies of Freedom

until strongholds crumble yes my precious one believe abundantly in my

Triumph on your behalf you represent the apple of my eye the core of my heart in

the earth I permanently invested myself in your complete Redemption never forget the cross stands

as a signed and sealed pledge of my Covenant loyalty my stalwart commitment to your

thriving I have betrothed you to myself forever in Eternal loving

kindness so receive this truth into your innermost being you are victorious in me

no weapon forged against you can succeed because I Shield you no curse spoken can

a light for I reverse it into blessing every sickness must bow to my

healing balm flowing through you lack and poverty flee at the sight of my

bounous provision made manifest in your life sorrow itself turns on its heels

when my joy Wells up from deep inside you shout for joy my loved

one dance with Elation for the blessings about to overtake

you Jubilee arrives on weighty winds debts cancelled slaves freed into new

identity Redemption Roars mightily on your behalf captives liberated

inheritances restored all that was lost or stolen now returned a

hundredfold your mouth soon sings astonished praise in place of Lament

go ahead and rejoice before you see manifest evidence throw wide open home and habitation for sudden

surprises get ready to host Harvest celebrations with the poor and Outcast

welcome to my Feast compel deaf and mute neighbors to enter when they cannot hear

invitation or ask directions on their own translate for the Foreigner teach

symbols to illiterate lead the blind for I am commissioned you and

ambassador to announce my kingdom is at hand the year of God’s favor has come my

beloved one feel my presence surrounding you as a warm embrace be at ease and know that this is

a safe space within the Stillness of your being hear my gentle

words the calm you feel is my spirit reassuring you reminding you that this

moment is profoundly sacred as I speak allow my voice to wash over you and soak

into the depths of your essence listen not just with your mind

but with the wisdom of your heart life has perhaps weighed heavily

upon you of late there have been storms and shadows and times when weariness seeped into

your bones you have struggled valiantly against the tides my child even when

buffeted by trials you kept your faith A Light Within for this this I honor you

your perseverance gladdens me your courage brings joy to my spirit yet now

a season of Stillness descends a pause amid the turbulence in

this quiet interval darkness recedes before spreading Dawn the air itself

seems to Shimmer with possibility can you sense it beloved one your time of

Triumph draws nigh great blessings await to be poured upon you precious child the

future shines bright with promise fear not this Prospect of abundance for you

have earned every good thing headed your way it was your devotion your Relentless

belief in brighter tomorrows that manifested this Destiny victories seldom emerge from

nowhere my lamb they are swn through tears and struggles planted in Faith’s

fertile soil yours have been hard one but make their arrival no less sweet

this bounty comes as a righteous reward for all you have endured with a resilient Spirit

intact what clever schemes and PLO the darkness employs to leech Joy from the

unw yet its efforts Splinter against armor forged of unconditional trust in

me you anchored yourself in our bond refused to relinquish our connection

even when turmoil raged fiercely as a storm holding fast to loving Refuge saved you

beloved had you succumbed to desolation’s Bitter Allure severing our tie how AG grieved my heart would have

been but you cleave to me as a frightened child clings to its father we

weathered Tempest as one what strength you demonstrated precious one what

formidable reserves of Courage your steadfast Reliance on my presence

sustained you through the bleakest night and now the long awaited Turning Point

arrives the ice thaws flowers

unfurl this transitional period marks the cusp between Shadow and light

between winter of the spirit and Spring’s rebirth have you beheld rainbows after

rainfall when every raindrop shines like a suspended Jewel so too shall wonders

emerge through unpleasantness now past lift your eyes to the Horizon beloved

and Glimpse Destiny’s first delicate Rays warming the landscape the rose hued

glow herold’s great Beauty soon to illuminate your path it come softly

subtly but make no mistake A New Dawn is Breaking this Renaissance serves also as

time of rest and replenishment for battle weary Souls while storm raged you fought

relentlessly to safeguard Inner Light from s swirling Gloom but even the staunchest heart grows fatigued when

buffered by adversity’s pounding barrage my precious lamb allow this period of

Stillness to soothe your spirit to balm unseen wounds and ease lingering

tensions nestled deep within emerging from long hardship is

not unlike slowly Awakening after illness one must regain strength

gradually with patience and self-compassion there is no shame in needing to rebuild

depleted reserves in taking things slowly as equilibrium

returns enduring turmoil often exacts unseen costs upon

foundations erode those sturdy pillars and everything crumbles thus reparative attention there

must go infusing New Life into cracked structures so rest beloved make Serenity

your priority amid this calm when the moment comes for forward movement you

shall rise graceful and renewed a flower turning to greet the dawn for now pause

frequently to still racing thoughts and reconnect with my living presence within

you no elaborate rituals are required for us to commune precious one simply

sit in meditative silence until distraction melts away wait as one might

linger near a bubbling brook allowing its gentle music to permeate the soul in

time our energies will entwine and soar this Fusion engenders profound

peace my lamb imagine being cradled in loving arms under a Starry Sky Envision my

Celestial voice infusing your thoughts with courage and hope let these words

echo through your Consciousness fear not beloved child I your ever faithful Shepherd walk

beside you still Ponder the Solace this vow Kindles

within we journey on together precious Soul Your footsteps illuminated by my

light Covenant binds us through every Peak and Valley have I not proven myself over and

over by now though chaos swirled and perspectives dimmed still I remained

steadfast companion through fires that threatened to emulate Faith’s fragile

Chute together we nurtured that nent flower until finally it bloomed

rendant and here we stand upon Sunrise Shore weary perhaps but wonderfully

whole what does the emerging Dawn hold beloved child what glories Blaze upon

the Horizon this Lial space between Night and Day offers glimpses should you

quiet external distraction in Stillness hints whisper through the silence the

previews of Destiny as it unfolds attune your inner ear to subtle

intuition let Revelation unfold slowly organically do not grasp impatiently

lest these tender shoots recoil my guidance emerges softly over time

through flashes of insight unworded nudges sudden noticing of something here

to for overlooked Revelations dwell not in loud demanding directives but in gentler

multi-dimensional promptings tune within to interpret their symbolic

language permit understanding to incubate within your Soul’s sanctuary in such moments of quiet

communion I Infuse your Consciousness with strength love and unwavering faith in times

ahead my lamb have you dwelt beside tranquil Lakes at Sunrise seen those

clear depths a wash and gold golden magnificence thus I immerse you now in paternal Radiance bathing your spirit in

blessings to shield from all future storms lift your face beloved child and

let joyful anticipation Ripple through you the long- awaited moment arrives for

moving forward courageously Beyond past Sorrows but patience remains Paramount

my soul courage must temper eager expectation lest ambition overreach

like saplings too soon exposed to harsh elements tender dreams wither without

proper preparations in place therefore make haste slowly Precious Heart wait

upon my timing trust in my infinite Vision to reveal the next Direction when

appropriate exercising eager restraint now prevents much grief later have you

observed young birds tentative before First Flight hopping tentatively along branches flat claing experimental wings

while parents observe thus I oversee your Journey’s pivotal transition my

fledgling in time you shall soar majestically through Skies now barely

imagined but attempting Ascent prematurely courts Calamity rather than

Freedom therefore attend to securing inner stability before external busyness

resumes establish rhythms of rest reflection and mindfulness to elevate

perception and maintain connection with intuitive wisdom from within fortify foundations weakened by

prolonged strain Shore up vulnerabilities exposed by adversities

Crucible and know beloved child that Triumph emerges not from Fierce external

striving but quiet internal transformation develop inward Vistas and

discover their Destiny seed awaiting cultivation by patience and faith in

Stillness abides peace profound Beyond mortal comprehension by word or thought I

cannot encapsulate its essence or convey this States sheer magnificence yet

within sacred silence truth unveils itself unbidden therefore still your mind

beloved and soften perception relax clenched

muscles release swirling tensions throughout your body slow each breath until inhales and

exhales flow smooth as silk thus physical relaxation soon

engenders openness and Clarity of Soul a lucid Serenity wherein our Spirits

commune what Bliss abounds in such Unity Precious Child Soul speaks to Soul Heart

to Heart across Dimensions Veil fear flees before Love’s light Darkness

scatters confusion clarifies calm enters on quiet footfalls

time slows and stills anguish recedes into memory presence emerges as sole

reality there are no words for this my beloved no way to capture magic alive in

each moment yet I affirm to you it’s reality just the same our Oneness dwells

at the seed of your soul an indelible connection death itself cannot sever

abide in this truth let its consolation anchor you firm through all that may come Storm surges test foundations as

wind drives waves to uncover weakness but structured upon Bedrock

homes withstand raging Squall so too your innermost being that sacred

Sanctuary housing your luminous Essence no mortal Force prevails against all I

have fortified within you beloved one therefore face the future void of dread

you bear my strength now clothed in Courage as male Shaw in F Faith sturdy

shoes a vibrant Shield wall stands locked around your spirit assembled by

Fierce love no foan passes this Bastion Precious Heart your soul remains secure

thus I bid you boldly wield Newfound wisdom when adversity arises a new as

inevitably it shall but you are changed beloved child

already transformed by past Journeys that former self who first face Darkness

with frightened eyes sees no more Through Your Eyes in you I have sparked Valiant holy fire lit within mortal clay

by Heaven’s breath let it Blaze through storms Yet to Come calmly acknowledge

challenges as they arise but make no room for vain Panic chaos breeds chaos

fear fans fears Wildfire instead answer turmoil with Faith’s indomitable

resilience wield trust in me a shield against against swirling Shadows anchor

heart in our bond strength and watch troubles recede through lens of Eternity

this two Shall Pass stand firm upon my promises and light shall conquer

Darkness hope will prevail of course you may always seek refuge in my Sheltering Wings precious

lamb when beset by Affliction cry out and I will swiftly unfold you

near but do not make fear a Dwelling Place beloved visit a while regain

perspective in divine presence then rise renewed for the next leg of Destiny’s

Journey walk en courage toward shimmering Horizons now visible upon your path linger too long in comfort’s

Harbor and storms descend unravel with trial in my power than

cower feckless while trouble bruise has not prior hardship equipped

you for crisis sharpening skills enough to overcome all that threatens to hinder

you gaze backward with eyes wide at those Peaks conquered thus far beloved

child though battered now and then never broken you stand Faith proved Mighty to

deliver You Through Fire unscathed that same power Marshals within you still all of Heaven’s might

focused for your Aid you lack nothing Precious Heart to confront whatsoever

May unfold in times ahead head go forward boldly Victory stands Within

Reach of arms both guided and guarded by my own what Grandeur awaits Discovery just

Beyond the Horizon behold Destiny advancing beloved one a noble Steed

Gathering momentum as the landscape shifts slowly from dim Gloom to brilliant

day possibilities swirl in this new dawn like leaves upon zephyr’s breath the

very air seems to Shimmer with barely contained potential filaments of light promise

forthcoming wonders can you sense Hope’s Wings lifting expectant just beyond

sight inhale this emerging Glory deep into your core beloved child Destiny’s

glorious hour fast approaches but Infuse enthusiasm with discipline precious one

lest Zeal sabotage sound strategy eagerness un uted by wisdom

courts catastrophe where patients plant seeds of greatness gradually over

time therefore temper urgency with restraint allowing Divine guidance to

illuminate next steps clearly restrain impulse to dash headlong in pursuit of a

long-held dream achieving too hastily risks toppling the whole Endeavor

through overbalancing ambition timing is everything my soul

trust my Supernatural discernment regarding when and how to progress effectively toward your

goal my vision spans past present and future simultaneously yield to this higher

vantage point and customize accordingly have you observed fledglings on First Flight flapping Landing trying

again when wind knocks the mosu or coordination fails thus shall your path

unfold through patient persistence interspersed with rest and reset pay

heed when d sy’s wind bucks too fiercely pull back regain bearings and attempt a

new each cycle thereby expands capacity for enduring longer Airborne overtime

until one Glorious Day seamless flight is achieved then oh then beloved heart

No Limit exists to Heights attainable for one schooled by wisdom in my luminous presence therefore fret not

concerning perceived delay of dreams my precious lamb all moves toward magnificent fruition in my perfect time

but raw clay must spin patiently upon the potter’s wheel before emerging resplendant his finished vessel allow

Destiny’s sculpting hands to shape you thus without resisting pressures needed for refinement yield wholly to my vision

for your life beloved abiding joyfully within my will then the life I birth

through you shall indeed shine Transcendent for my glory this period of Stillness and

introspection soon concludes my child even now in the East filaments of new

light unfurl upon the landscape whispered hints of coming Dawn soon to

illuminate Destiny’s onward path do you see them beloved those Rosy

filaments foretelling the sun’s arrival the new day fast approaches

therefore prepare your heart for that which I shall reveal the Adventure Continues precious

soul our journey winds ahead through Seasons still veiled but infinitely more

glorious for tempest weathered together no matter what unfolds in days ahead

cling to this truth I will never abandon you beloved one my promises stand sure

my presence remains constant upholding and uplifting through whatever shades of light or dark trust in me and together

we shall Traverse each Valley while scaling every Peak rising to meet Destiny’s Majestic

Horizon go in peace my child We Walk This Road as one my beloved child do not

lose hope or become discouraged for I love you deeply have faith in me move

forward boldly for I Am With You Always infusing you with

courage from this moment on you will witness blessings and miracles unfold through me I am your Shepherd guiding

and providing for you so that you lack nothing my love for you transcends all

Earthly bounds and my power to Aid you is ever near when you call upon me in

prayer I hope that you will come to me each new morning seeking my wisdom to illuminate your path

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