🛑THE LAST WORDS OF JESUS CHRIST - DON'T SKIP THIS | God's Message Today #Prophecy Lord Helps Ep~1218 - Free AI Voice Generator

🛑THE LAST WORDS OF JESUS CHRIST – DON’T SKIP THIS | God’s Message Today #Prophecy Lord Helps Ep~1218

if you will pay attention to this
message for the next
minutes you will feel God sitting next
to you like never
before God
said I am
blocking my
beloved very often I send you words
signs and messages
to wake you up about the things that are
happening in the
world but sometimes you just
intentionally skip my words that are
crucial for you to
therefore I the Lord is declaring
that I’ve decided to block some things
in your life that are distracted in you
drifting you away from your life
purpose allow me to transform you by
typing and
affirming I am
ready my dear child don’t skip me
frequently I know you get too busy with
schedule but I warn you today not to
skip it because I want you to know that
every new day is a fresh
beginning don’t let the weight of
yesterday’s mistakes and
disappointments burden your
soul start each day with a hurt eager to
please me and follow my
ways focus on today
because in doing so you allow me to
you step by
remember this journey is
lifelong filled with challenges and
pain but it’s also filled with joy and
peace because I am with you every step
of the
as you walk this path notice how you are
continually being
renewed you can’t achieve this renewal
through your own efforts
alone it is my Spirit dwelling within
you that is responsible for your
transformation don’t be
discouraged when you feel face the
problems and pain along the way these
struggles are part of your renewal
process have the courage to thank me
even during difficult
times for I am holding you firmly by
your right
hand preparing you for the glory that
you don’t be afraid to experience
happiness because you are
mine you can expect moments of Joy even
in this broken
World sometimes anxiety may try to steal
your Carefree moments and make you worry
about the
future it’s okay to let your guard down
and embrace happiness in the present
relax and know that I am
God you don’t need to have everything
figured out before you can enjoy my
presence this very moment is the perfect
time to find joy in
me be of good courage for I will
strengthen your
heart I desire for my children to be
brave not
cowardly escaping difficulties and
seeking an easier way out often stems
from self-pity and a sense of
inment but remember
I am Sovereign over your life even in
your challenging
circumstances your struggles whole
value so summon the courage to embrace
your life trusting that I’m in
control and with you in your
approach me with a courageous H fill
with hope and I will bless you in
ways and the C of love and peace let the
beauty of this truth sink deep into your
heart mind and
spirit even when
communication with me is less L than
perfect remember my Holiness and be
quick to
repent just like King David who repented
immediately after his grave
sins don’t desper when you realize you
have fallen
short turn swiftly from your
waywardness and back to me
I will receive you with open arms
overflowing with love and devoid of
condemnation place your hope in my
love the Bible says in Jeremiah
verse call to me and I will answer you
and tell tell you great and unsearchable
things you do not know dear
friend I want to encourage you today to
calling when it
gets to be too much for your call on
God and when you need healing call on
God When you stand in need of a miracle
call on the the Lord reach out to God
because he is a God who never sleeps nor
Slumbers when you call on him he can
make a way where there seems to be no
way remember success is Yours and
victory is declared over you your
battles and
challenges your week will be
lifechanging and
successful clean the abundance and
blessings on your entire
house trust that God will bless you help
you make your path straight heal you and
cover you with his
papor wherever you go and whatever you
do you will be
blessed help is on the way from God and
a big breakthrough is
coming your turnaround is happening
quickly your about to see the change you
have been waiting and praying
for and the time has
come when you don’t know what to ask for
in prayer trust that God will hear your
heart and a peaceful satisfying end is
on the
way now let’s pray
together Lord teach
your word teaches me that the issues of
Life Spring from the
earth I asked for a heart wholly devoted
you a heart fixed on living a life that
you in Luke verse
– it’s
sell what you have had and give
arms provide yourselves money bags which
do not grow
old a treasure in the
heavens that does not
fa where no Thief approaches nor Mo
destroys for where your treasure is
there your heart will be
also may you be The Treasure of My Heart
Lord may you be the Delight of my
heart help me to set my affection on
Heavenly things rather than Earthly
possessions in Hebrews
: it is
said he keep your life flee from the
love of enemy and be content with what
you have for he has
said I will never leave you nor forsake
you grant me a heart that finds
contentment and rejoices in all that you
have blessed me
with l I recognize that I may not
possess all the wealth and riches that
the world
offers but I have you Lord Jesus and you
are all I
need your word in Matthew : wants
against Drawing Near with lips that
honor while the heart is far from
May that never be sad of me I pray not
to be one who merely pays lip service to
you but whose H truly belongs to
you help me become a genuine disciple of
Jesus Christ
transform my heart from the inside out
removing malice deceit hypocrisy and
envy as Ezekiel : to
proclaims I will give you a new heart
and put a new spirit within you I will
take the Heart of Stone out of your
flesh and give you a heart of
Flesh heal any scars and wounds whether
from the past or from hurtful
words heal me and set me
free be prais oh King you’re always good
faithful I thank you for hearing my
prayer in the mighty name of Jesus Amen
now leave a comment Jesus is lock and
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