child I know everything about you your secrets your wishes and what you really need I understand all that you say and
deeply want to give you what you’re looking for in return I ask for your true
devotion keep loving me and serving me no matter what comes your way even when you’re happy and have
plenty don’t forget how much I care for you you’re always safe with me don’t let
the things happening in the world scare you the problems and enemies you face might seem tough but with my spirit
you’ll get through my spirit gives you wisdom and strength not through force or fighting
but with gentle guidance that helps you grow stronger every day Let My Words of
Peace fill you up and give you fresh hope and energy let me put it simply you’re meant
to have a lot of blessings so you can be a blessing to others too nothing can stop you remember your life with me
forever is incredibly valuable never forget that I’ll do anything to make sure you
win staying strong and never backing down always remember who you are don’t
be swayed by what others think live by the truth I’ve put in your heart you’re not just a sinner my
powerful love has made you clean refreshed by my spirit I’ve removed all bad urges from
you you won’t feel like hurting or speaking badly of others anymore your words will now lift people up and your
kindness will spread happiness around you tell your family and friends about
me don’t hide our connection say out loud that I am Jesus the one who gave
himself up for your sins trust and know this nothing in this world
can defeat you you are cherished and blessed surrounded by love all the time
you’re not a lost cause your mind isn’t filled with negative thoughts right now my holy spirit is
renewing your thoughts surrounding you with universal love I’m speaking clearly
today so you can grasp and embrace this open your heart to what I want for
you decide to bless yourself show gratitude to those you
care about and forgive anyone who has hurt you I acknowledge your struggles and
understand your doubts but know that I have never forsaken you my word spoken
today is reshaping your mindset look at how you live now your
heart brims with courage and happiness you are stronger than you realize and
all that you have endured is forged strength and wisdom within you many lack what you possess you now know me
intimately your soul is filled with faith and your loyalty is unwavering believe me when I say that
those who have harmed you will be humbled when they realize the depth of my love for you I’ve lifted you up
Stripped Away the garments of Shame and despair and clothed you in my love and
Glory believe and know this nothing and no one can beat you in this universe
you’re going to be blessed and see great success but always hold on to me listen to what I say every day take in my words
and if you really trust me stop focusing on what’s behind you and step forward
with faith into a new life full of blessings that you can touch and see right now I love you I’m with you and no
matter what happens promise me that you’ll always love and trust me your name is written on the blessing
I’ve got got for you made with care ready for you to receive
soon get ready and kneel down my angels are setting things up for your good feel
free to share your challenges with me don’t let fear grow in your mind and make you doubt keep up your courage and
excitement to welcome the blessing I’m saving for you understand this I see that you’re
not the type to give up because of a setback God’s blessings will change your
life and others might get jealous some will try to block your way to these blessings some might even want
to take them from you you’re aware of what these people are like they’re fearless and don’t care
about their future they wait for someone else to work hard and then try to take advantage
and steal the fruits they lead sad lives taking advantage of skills they don’t have Neel
now now prepare yourself in advance open your heart to be surrounded by love
raise your hands to the sky seek wisdom speak kindly to your family do not allow
any hidden sin to come between my spirit and your heart do not think that by hiding
something from me I will remain unaware of the struggles you are facing I will pour blessings upon you and your family
but do not be surprised if you face oppos position fear no one I’m not blessing
you to burden you with problems quite the contrary all struggles are temporary and your enemies are already defeated if
you’re feeling weak or you’ve messed up just kneel down and ask for forgiveness
I promise you I will forgive you your soul will be cleaned and ready to take
on the new challenges I have in store for you I’m going to bless you a lot
that’s a sure thing I’ve already planned for your success so I ask you to be
brave when blessings come your way the enemy will try to bring new problems to shake you but you’re strong you don’t
get scared by threats you’ve never been a quitter you’re not one to just cry when times get tough forgetting about me
your heavenly father who can save you that’s why I talk to you every day I
know how brave and strong you are even when you face many difficulties but you don’t give up you
keep going stay on your path keep growing in faith soak up my words and
you’ll see I’ll keep on blessing you just as your soul prospers my work
in your life is complete I pour my love and anointing upon you here on
Earth your enemies fear you and my angels defend you in the spiritual Realm
in my presence I offer you eternal life and a crown of Victory to Adorn your
head you do not walk alone and even in those days when you hear bad news of
financial problems lies and betrayals my presence covers you I have made you
tougher than the strongest Diamond stronger than steel keep moving forward
you can do it because I live in your heart you can have a smile on your face in the midst of tribulation the king of
the universe is with you a thousand may fall at your side
, at your right hand but you are not shaken by the winds nor do dangers
cause you fear you’re not defeated by conflict your emotions do not consume you while
multitudes are lost and suffering without finding a way out you have your refuge in your place of
prayer I want to remind you not to forget these words listen to them again
learn them speak them write them they are strength for your
soul I am giving you a beautiful gift you will have the demeanor of a
champion people will see you as a person of great Authority because your face
reflects the power of your heavenly father prepare yourself before going out
to receive your blessings pray and think about what you will say use the wisdom I
have given you do not be afraid to speak when you must fight and be silent when you must be
silent but never cower when it comes to safeguarding your blessings and defending those you love watch over your
family face any coward who seeks to destroy your home I want you to be happy to have
peace for your faith to strengthen for your heart not to fear
and to feel the assurance that I am always with with you shout and right with joy for I believe it rest my
daughter my son I will answer your prayers it is my desire and will to
warmly embrace your heart I always remember you tenderly for I paid a high price to rescue
you I knew you would give me your life that you would understand the importance of this salvation and indeed you value
it seriously you do not play with my grace or my love so my response is
certain I know well that you no longer have trouble accepting my will I respond
to those who love and respect me who receive my answers without whims or
complaints if I give you what you ask with joy you give thanks if I give you something different something better
your gratitude is greater your submission to my designs is
wonderful even I’m amazed to see how you react when I don’t give you what you ask
for yet there is such beautiful peace in your soul because you know that I love you and will always give you what is
best for you so you remain calm you are no longer as you were before troubled
and filled with fear at any conflict see how you have changed by listening to me every day praying
reading my word and honestly expressing everything you feel in your soul
that’s why my presence accompanies you you are my child my son we are also friends I take your hand
on the path but I carry you in my arms when you are shaken by the winds we spread our wings like eagles and fly
high very high to that beautiful place where you can renew your strength and dreams where you can rest and receive
patience and maturity to keep growing triumphing and overcoming
I’m really happy when you come to talk and listen to me it’s great that we can communicate so well that you ask for my
advice and that you’re eager to understand and learn more I’m proud of you because you’ve
changed you don’t you don’t just believe everything you hear anymore your
understanding is growing and it fills me with joy I have so many amazing things to share with you So Many Wonders to
show you if you trust me now incredible Miracles will happen
you’ll pray more dive into my teachings and follow them with love and trust you’ll receive Abundant Blessings love
and protection you’ll be truly joyful and that’s what I wish for you I love you feel free to ask me anything I’m
here to talk and provide answers to connect with me immerse yourself in my
words pray and tune your spirit to mine to grasp my guidance I reached out to
you first choosing you before you even knew me so Finding Me is neither hard
nor impossible just call on me I’m listening reach out to me and I’ll
answer but be ready for what I’ll share because you’ll be amazed by what I plan to do for you and reveal the full extent
of my will I shall bless you beyond the limits of your imagination yet I implore
you to believe in me and refrain from speaking ill of yourself or demeaning your worth you are my beloved I have
ordained Your Existence in the perfect time and place though at times you have doubted
and felt you veered off the right path due to the trials obstacles and suffering you have faced at this moment
I ask something of you I do not wish for you to be distracted and then forget
give me your faith and trust despite all you endure You are not alone for I have
always shielded you upheld you and guided you with my holy
hand you are not to ignore me I speaking to you and you feel it within you know
that I desire your well-being and the Improvement of your situation seek my
presence and I will remove all that displeases me all that impedes your journey to your
destination if you have strayed even slightly from your path kneel before me
and I shall straighten your way shun the company of wicked friends who seek to
convince you of your inferiority who fail to appreciate your true Essence and
always strive to make you feel unworthy these toxic friendships do not benefit
you if you forsake them you will not miss them for I will bring beautiful
souls into your life gentle and spirit and with Noble intentions get ready for something
wonderful you’re about to receive amazing blessings I love you deeply and
from now on you’ll see more and more miracles and blessings in your life
I’m looking after you so you won’t need anything you’re surrounded by love and
my help is always just a prayer away I want you to look for me every
morning so I can guide you to beautiful peaceful places where you can relax and feel at ease I’m inspiring you to
Embrace Life to keep pushing forward to hold on to your
dreams today you’ll take my words to Heart deep down you’ll feel confident
that you can get through any Challenge and win even when things get tough you’ll find peace no matter what
negative things come your way you can do all this because I’m giving you strength building
up your determination and strengthening your faith so you don’t have to be scared of
any obstacles or discouragements that try to stop you from reaching a brighter future you have opened your heart to me
thus I shall be your God and Lord this is your most important decision the
enemy will try to thwart your plans but come to me in prayer before embarking on your endeavors entrust your life to me
entirely and I shall not forsake you if you entrust your Affairs to me I shall
protect you and cause you to prosper in all good and productive Pursuits you choose to undertake there are many
things you didn’t do due to fear many dreams you didn’t reach because you
believed you could not achieve them but on this new day I grant you the wisdom
to organize your life and priorities I bestow upon you the power
to achieve lofty goals that even your own family members will Marvel at I’m
filling your mind with my word behold how your spirit and heart are
transformed have confidence in approaching me whenever you feel burdened doubtful or in the midst of the
darkest nights and most stressful moments my holy spirit is ever attentive
to your needs ready to respond if you accept my answer with faith and in
accordance with my will I shall lead you along the path of true abundance genuine peace and
prosperity confess with all your heart and soul that you believe in me surrender this day into my hands and
Trust doors shall open storms Shall Pass Victory shall come
and your blessing shall arrive do not give up now resist I grant
you the strength and wisdom necessary to overcome this period of struggle through which you are passing I shall hide you
under my wings where the enemy cannot reach you I shall lift you up and comfort you with my love when you feel
weary I am filling you with excitement and hope which shall envelop you with courage and
energy I desire and am capable of transforming your life and that is
precisely what I’m about to do listen closely to what I have to say my child
even if you don’t understand how or why you are in this world know that it is for a valuable powerful and immensely
significant reason to fulfill the dreams I have bestowed upon you to accomplish wondrous
Deeds you are not a product of luck or chance it was my decision to create you
and place you in this world to be a source of blessing for yourself and
others enlarge your faith and lift your head high I want to see you smile right now
remember those moments when you feared you could not endure yet here you are
today more intelligent stronger and wiser I chose you my daughter my
son even though I know you make mistakes and sometimes forget that I’m always by
your side I chose you because I want you to be a person of success respected
blessed and fulfilled I entrust you with the gift of love of forgiveness the gift
of helping others I want you to demonstrate my love to people through your
actions I want you to touch many lives and hearts with your hands I enhance
your faith now to a level previously unfelt and if I must come myself to
remind you every day to keep your gaze upon me then so I shall come in manifold
ways I shall reveal my will and my word to you therefore do not fear for I’m here
to assist you do not be disheartened for I love you trust in me move forward for
I’m with you be filled with courage my beloved child how are you feeling I want you to
start a new day free from all sorrow distress and confusion know that I am
willing to help calm you to heal you of all illness and to alleviate all your
pain I want this day to be tranquil for you spent in Greater Joy and contentment
knowing that many blessings are soon to come and you must prepare yourself for
your life will be renewed I promis to restore to you many
things lost and some of them will come multiplying I want to give you lots of blessings
spend some quiet time with me today kneeling down let’s talk about what’s coming don’t stress about future Bills
or the many things you need trust in what I say you mean a lot to me and I’ll
take care of what you need if you ever feel lost or unsure I don’t want you to be hard on yourself or
feel guilty I’m not upset with you when you get tired of what’s happening or feel weak I gave up my life for you and
you should remember this with the strength of my coming back to life I will save you from giving up
and feeling hopeless please don’t be scared don’t shrink back when life seems threatening
or Hide Away I’ve given you the bravery and strength to face your troubles I see
how loyal and hardworking you are you give your all and everything you do get busy get ready and stand up for
yourself look for more chances I want you to know I’m really proud of you you
are my dear child be sure of that you can see how my help is with you in your life making things better so I assure
you things will go well for you you won’t be overcome by laziness you’ll be
thorough in all you do you’ll be kind to others and that will help you thrive
stay humble and simple I’ll keep opening doors for you your heart is mine do not
give it away or offer it to someone who does not deserve deserve it I do not want you to continue being hurt because
when you are hurt I also feel pain I have done much for you and I wish for
you to appreciate my sacrifice it was significant and my
resurrection was powerful so do not forget me or ignore me I understand that
lately you have felt much loneliness and your soul seeks someone to fill that
void but before you go searching you must accept believe believe and cling to the true love that is worth it
mine when you feel your inner being filled with my affection and discover how many blessings I have for you you
will change your way of thinking and you will not be the same believe me I’m here
with you when you speak aloud I listen when you say your soul is
weary and time is running out to achieve your dreams and many loved ones have
Departed from your life and it seems they have turned their backs on you
remember I am the owner of your age your time and your dreams I have nurtured
with affection that fertile ground where your desires are sown you’re waiting for someone to love
you and come to your Aid well here I am to give you all the love you need to
strengthen you and support you believe me you will not live in
solitude forever this has been a time of Stillness for you to heal from past wounds and recover
so that the energy and happiness you need return to you trust me that moment is coming soon
when I will send new people into your life to care for you and I will do it
when you least expect it my timing is perfect wait
patiently I will provide everything you desire nothing will be lacking
you will grow and become stronger because all the negative experiences you’ve endured will serve as lessons for
the future you will seek me more you will kneel and pray whenever you have
the opportunity I’m drawing near to you now do the same come into my presence tell
me what you are feeling and I also want to speak with you you will emerge from
all sadness loneliness will soon be behind you
you will soon be surrounded by Abundant happiness tell me you believe in me dare
to overcome the obstacles let your faith ignite fear not the threats of anyone I
will help you strengthen you and protect you do not flee from your enemies do not
be filled with fear lift your head high stand firm I will fill your heart with courage
I will be with you in b battle I will guard you in times of trouble you won’t
need anything because I’m going to take care of you just like an eagle that flies high in the sky so get ready to
spread your wings and discover all that you can do I’m preparing you to see
amazing things happen in your life I’m filling you with my spirit so that
starting today you can live a life that’s beyond the ordinary believe in me
and remember what I promise always happens my words always accomplish what I intend
I don’t make false promises since the world began I chose
you and made you part of my special plans I picked you to give you blessings
and success I’ve put great dreams in your heart though sometimes you might face
challenges from those who oppose what I want for you but don’t be scared or
anxious I’ve given you my spirit filled you with peace in endurance and
courage you will get past any opposition and move towards your goals with strong
resolve this is my promise and my gift to you you won’t be beaten down as long
as you cling to my promises and the forgiveness I offer you come to my feet every day place your
plans and struggles before my Altar and feel me as I embrace you tightly see how
I remove all anxiety from your mind notice how every every day I seek you
out to pour my love into you spend time with me today I wish to speak to you I
desire to give you words of encouragement to uplift you my desire is
for you to believe in me and dare to be a Victor I love you yesterday when I saw
you pondering your struggles and concerns I asked God to speak to you to
bless your life to remove any burdens that do not belong to you and every
waight that drags your spirit into sorrow if there’s something you need to
forgive forgive it bring that burden to God I know you’re also concerned about
finances how you’ll provide for your family his word says in Matthew chapter
therefore I tell you do not worry about your life what you will eat or
drink or about your body what you will wear is not life more than food and the
body more than clothes look at the birds of the air they do not sew or reap or
store away in Barns and yet your heavenly father feeds them are you not much more valuable than
they and you know God is with you I know that neither sadness nor any depression
will make you give up you will rise and go out to fight to seek the
opportunities that God has for you you are in a battle indeed but your shield
and your defense are the promises of God and your battle attire today will be
your smile he will not leave you he will not forsake you look at what his word says in Isaiah
but now this is what the Lord says he who created you Jacob he who formed you
Israel do not fear for I have redeemed you I have summoned You by name you are
mine when you pass through the waters I will be with you and when you pass through the rivers they will not sweep
over you when you walk through the fire you will not be burned the Flames will
not set you Ablaze for I am the Lord your God the Holy One of Israel your
savior I give Egypt for your Ransom cush and Saba in your stead since you are
precious and honored in my sight and because I love you I will give people in
exchange for you nations in exchange for your life do not be afraid for I am with you
I will bring your children from the East and gather you from the west but you must not lose Faith trust do not halt in
your struggle for great blessings are coming your way Let’s Make a Deal let’s make a pack
with God that every time you feel faint in your place you will come before Jesus
and say Lord Lord take my burden I am tired give me rest receive the blessing
of the Almighty I am caressing your life with tenderness with love I embrace you
and with my holy mantle I protect you from evil I really understand what
you’re going through your challenges are tough I see your struggles recognize
your efforts and sense your desperation now is the time I show you
how reliable I am coming to me with your problems and trusting me is the best
thing you’ve done today I get that you can’t manage everything on your own
that’s why I’m here to help you support you and heal you my plans for you are full of kindness peace and
success my love for you is endless because you mean so much to me I
cherish you greatly I’ll stay by your side continuing to talk to you just like
I am now you started today feeling down both in spirit and body it might seem
like Joy is slipping away and no one nearby offers you empathy or even a bit of affection but remember I’m right here
with you I’m not too busy with other things nor have I forgotten how much I love you and how much you matter to me I
don’t get distracted by temporary stuff I care about your Forever happiness your
lasting joy and your complete well-being so after hearing from me
today don’t forget what I’ve said your heart will find new energy your strength
will grow and you’ll be infused with a fresh powerful Spirit you might not have
expected me to speak directly to you but here I am talking and the more you
listen the more you’ll find the strength to keep going now I want you to smile
and realize that I have not for for gotten that you need me Seize Your
moments to speak with me and do not think that you are living in solitude you have me as God father and
friend you should be very grateful I will repeat it so that you hear it again
you are not alone I will pour out my spirit on you I will strengthen your soul I will give you wisdom I will fill
you with my love you will Triumph in everything look at your life how many
things you have had to face how many battles you have had to fight how many
things you have had to endure and yet today you are still standing How brave
you are your attitude pleases me your tenacity moves me I come to you through
this message to remind you that you do not have to worry do not let fear steal
your dreams do not be afraid to dream big and face the the battle with the certainty that I can help you make your
plans come true take a moment to think you’ve shown real courage look back at the tough
spots you thought you couldn’t get through but you did ever since you let me guide your life you haven’t been
defeated in any fight since then so calm your heart and keep your trust in
me I know it’s hard to stay calm and keep faith when things seem to fall apart and troubles try to swallow you
whole but in those tough times my child ignore the negative voices don’t give in
to fears intimidation just keep going and believe in what I’ve promised you
you were so precious to me I had amazing plans for you even before you were born
paying attention to every detail of your life always keeping you in my thoughts
don’t let sadness take over I’m filling your heart with happiness move forward
seeing Through The Eyes of Faith because winning is certain and what I’ve got in
store for you is beyond what you can even imagine I love you and will remind
you every single day when you wake up I’ll be there waiting at the break of
dawn you’ll sense my presence and you’ll hear me in your heart when you look for
me when you pray when you feel the urge to come and share your deepest thoughts
I will persist in speaking to you even when you are unwilling to listen when
you are weary and disheartened when you think that all your efforts are in vain and you no
longer desire to live or to continue fighting I will still be with you your
doubts cannot deter me I will not reject you because of your demeanor for I am
always faithful I cannot deny this Divine love for you it was created for
you it is my mission and purpose for you to believe it to feel it to Bow your
knees and to love me with all your might for this is how Miracles begin I
will perform great wonders and Marvels in your life if today with a sincere heart you truly believe in me I love you
for eternity today I will guide you along paths of righteousness I do not
want you to walk in darkness I want you to feel loved and protected
that is my will I’m really pleased with your faith it’s like you’re praising me right in
front of my Throne when you praise me you get filled with peace and strength
I’ll keep showing you the way just keep following me we’re in tough times but I’m here to
help you even when you’re feeling low when your faith isn’t strong and you
think you’ve lost your way I’ll still be right there with you I’m here to guide you I’ll hold your
hand when you need it or even carry you if necessary you’ve told me you love me
treated me like a friend and spent time with me and I’ve shown you my love in
return I won’t change I’ll always be the same when things get hard I won’t leave
you hanging when you feel weak I won’t back away and when you’re filled with
doubts and questions I’ll be there to give you answers don’t get knocked down by hard
times or scared of what’s ahead your all powerful God is telling you there’s nothing I can’t do I’m about to do
amazing things in your life my child listen to my voice hear my words let
peace and calm fill your heart I desire to bring steadiness to your mind and joy
and contentment to your life do not dwell on what you’ve lost the time
that’s passed or the people who’ve left leaving you hard broken and
scarred there was a time when the enemy whispered that I didn’t love you that your suffering meant I had forsaken you
but today you feel my presence and you trust in the truth I love you profoundly
and I will never leave you my Holy Spirit my Divine Splendor will envelop
you blessing you abundantly I cherish you greatly and
know you’ll always have faith amen if you wish for others to
experience the blessings you’ve received share this message with those you care about and who need me in their lives
join my mission of spreading the good news and together let’s continue to enrich lives amen
my beloved child in this special moment I want to address you with words of love
and Trust allow me to envelop you in my grace and reveal to you the beauty in
trusting me in surrendering your plans Into My Loving Hands know that trust is a Sublime
demonstration of Faith a bond that unites our hearts in an indisoluble way
from the beginning of time I have taken care of every detail of your life every
breath every beat of your heart Echoes my constant Presence by your
side Amid uncertainties and challenges I want you to know that you can trust me
completely trusting in me is not only A wise choice but also a testimony of your
faith in my perfect plan for your life I understand the longings of your heart
the doubts that seow uncertainties and the storms that sometimes darken the Horizon of your
life but my beloved I want you to understand that trusting in me is
placing your anxieties at the feet of my sovereignty trust is the foundation of
our relationship and I understand the struggles you face in deciding to entrust your plans and concerns to
me however I want you to understand that the love I have for you is infinite and
perfect there is no doubt in my heart about how much you are
loved in many passages of the Bible I extend the invitation to trust in
me Proverbs and remind us trust
in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding in all
your ways submit to him and he will make your path straight these words are a promise that
by trusting in me your paths will be guided by my wisdom and love
here is the secret to living the best possible life believe in me I came and
gave my life to reconcile you with God now trust in me with all your heart
there’s not much left after that I understand that often the world around
you may seem tumultuous and uncertain however I want you to trust in my
sovereignty in Proverbs I affirm a man’s heart plans his course
but the Lord directs his steps trust that the plans I have for you are for your good and for a future
full of Hope even if you don’t understand my beloved child everything I
plan for you is the best path to follow by trusting in me you are
releasing the burden of trying to control every situation in Matthew
I invite you come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you
rest let me be the guide on your journey relieving you of the worries that weigh
on your shoulders trust is an act of surrender and I know that at times surrender can
feel like a leap into the unknown however trust is not blind it is
grounded in the certainty of my goodness in your journey I understand
that you will encounter challenges and trials there will be moments when the weight you carry will seem overwhelming
and the storms that arise in your path threatening however I want to assure you
that every dedicated effort every shed tear and all sacrifices made have a
purpose each adversity will shape and strengthen you turning you into someone more resilient confident and
wise trust does not mean the absence of challenges but a profound certainty that I am with you every step of the way in
Isaiah I promise fear not for for I am with you be not dismayed for I am
your God I will strengthen you I will help you I will uphold you with my
righteous right hand trust that my presence is the light that dispels darkness and the strength
that sustains you handing over your plans into my hands is not a sign of
weakness but an Act of Faith in Jeremiah I declare for I know the plans I
have for you declares the Lord plans for welfare and not for evil to give you a
future and a hope trust that the plans I have laid out for you are filled with
love and purpose live each day trusting in me with unwavering Faith do not give up for
your significant blessing is at the door be strong and courageous for the best is
about to manifest keep your heart open and receptive trusting that all things will
happen in the right time I bless you with my love and peace assuring you that I will always be present guiding and
supporting I will take care of you being your constant support trust in me with
all your heart surrendering all your concerns into my hands under my protection lack and
scarcity will not afflict you for I will fulfill your dreams and strengthen your family
ties now is the time to trust fully letting go of emotions that cause pain
and Lead astray leave behind the anxieties that cloud your life and create internal
turmoil even though you have given much and faced pain in me your suffering
comes to an end my love for you is deep even if it is sometimes difficult to
comprehend you are a treasure acquired by my precious blood trust in me and
experience the fullness of my grace I want to encourage you to surrender to my
my love and Trust even when circumstances seem challenging in Romans I promise and we
know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him who have been called according to his purpose
trust that even difficult moments will be transformed for your good trust in me
my beloved child believe in my words today for I do not make empty promises
of Happiness as your father I have loved you since your
conception do you remember when I breathed the first breath of life into you it was an act of pure love and with
each New Dawn I continue to sustain that Divine gift of existence I bestowed upon
you so when the weight of life feels overwhelming trust that I bear each
burden sometimes the answers to your prayers may not be immediate but trusting in me is believing that I am
always working behind the scenes my timing is perfect and every weight is an opportunity to grow in
trust and spiritual maturity in uncertainty seek me with an open
heart my answers may come in unexpected ways but know that each response is
imbued with Divine wisdom trust in me is not a sign of weakness but a
demonstration of spiritual strength amidst the storms trust that I am your
safe shelter just as I calm the Raging Waters of the sea I can calm the storms
in your life trust that I am present even in the darkest nights Illuminating
the path with the light of my presence when the journey seems too
difficult remember that trust is like an anchor that keeps your soul steady amidst
turbulence trust for in every challenge in every Joy I am working all things for
your good open your heart to my love allowing grace and favor to fill your
journey lean on these words my dear do not shrink back from the path I
have laid out for you be courageous do not fear the Spectre of failure for
within it lies the seed of learning the courage to rise and the determination to
move forward with greater discernment and resolution at this moment I invite you
to surrender completely to me let me be the author and finisher of your
faith by trusting in me you will find a peace that transcends all
understanding therefore my beloved Son my cherished Daughter by trusting in me
you are surrendering to a love that is eternal unshakable and full of
grace do not fear entrusting your plans to me for I am caring for you you with a
love that surpasses all understanding my promise to always be
with you is eternal as a loving father I am present in every tear shed and in every laughter
that Echoes even when it seems like I am silent rest assured that I never abandon
my children believe trust for I will never disappoint you I will fulfill all my
promises this truth should be enough for you to understand that nothing Rising against you has the power to hinder what
is propelling you forward because I am taking care of everything trust in my word believe in
me with all your heart nothing cast against you will prosper neither the
arrow that flies by day nor the arrow in the darkness the Eternal decree is upon
you irrevocable there is no stopping it if I call you if I command if I say to jump
close your eyes turn your back and leap into my arms like a child leaping into
the arms of their father May the peace that surpasses all understanding guard your heart and mind
in Christ Jesus trust in me for I am the god who never fails and my love for you
is eternal amen
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