????"DO YOU UNDERSTAND "THE SIN" YOU HAVE MADE?" | God's Message Today #godmessagetoday #godmessage - Free AI Voice Generator

????”DO YOU UNDERSTAND “THE SIN” YOU HAVE MADE?” | God’s Message Today #godmessagetoday #godmessage

after the next minutes you will yourself feel that God is around you and

he is watching you God is saying to you today my beloved child I come to you

today with an Urgent Message of Hope and encouragement listen closely for I have

seen the trials you face the burdens that weigh heavily upon your

soul you feel surrounded on all sides don’t you the threats Loom large casting

Long Shadows over the path ahead enemy forces gather seeking to

intimidate and control through fear Financial lack glares at you

taunting your faith sickness and disease Crouch at the

door waiting to consume vibrant health and strength loneliness ambushes you when

you least expect it draining your confidence that there could ever be loving connections or true

friendships I see it all my precious one I am fully aware of the strategies

of Darkness that have been Unleashed against you but do not lose

heart this Onslaught is not meant to destroy you no it serves a greater

purpose your faith is being tested and proven genuine

rejoice in this for it signals that breakthrough is imminent Miracle is on the way blessing

is about to overflow you see there is a pattern an

established sequence that unfolds each time I prepare to demonstrate my power

and my glory in your life first comes the proving your faith

will be tested and Tred to reveal where you truly stand

if you remain rooted and grounded in me despite the intimidations of the enemy

you pass the test promotion is coming next the

victory the open door to Long awaited promise so recognize these seasons of

spiritual warfare for what they are evidence that I am about to show myself

strong on your behalf the battle is nearly won stand

firm just a a little longer like and share the video if you

have trust in the words of the god subscribe to the channel if you love

Jesus Keep trusting in what my word declares over your life not what your

circumstances are screaming at you fix your eyes on me not the

approaching giant I will vindicate your faith and confirm my faithfulness when

intimidation s rise to taunt you in the very area I have spoken Destiny over do

not yield an inch of ground to them bring those fears those threats directly

to me so I can expose them for the lies and distortions they truly

are I will show you my perspective one of authority hope and confidence for the

future I have prepared for you intimidation May howl like a f storm

but I am the truth that calms the winds and waves with a single word I am the lens that brings all

things into proper Focus I am the master strategist who

bewilders your enemies with surprise blessings and sudden favors you could never have manufactured on your

own I take what the enemy means for evil and turn it to

good my precious child will will you continue to trust me In the Heat of

battle will you choose to believe what your commanderin-chief declares over you

instead of the threats being hurled at you hold fast Victory is

coming the intimidation will not last long your breakthrough will keep your

gaze fixed on me as I lead you to the prepared blessings waiting for you avoid potential snares along the

path by staying sensitive to my leading in each step you take listen for my wisdom to cloak and

strengthen your heart when weariness sets in worship me as your burden Bearer

Mighty and Majestic in Holiness cry out to me and I will

answer take hold of my promises and wield them well against incoming attacks

type if you believe in Jesus and know know this I will never leave or

forsake you I am right here by your side fighting for

you you will learn to trample fear under your feet and press forward into all I

have destined as your inheritance In My Kingdom my beloved whom I created and

called to Greatness be renewed in vision and vigor this day shake off Despair and put on

the Garment of Praise instead lift your head high straighten your

shoulders back no weapon formed against you can or will

prosper I have for ordained your Victory and I myself will bring it to pass now

is not the time to retreat in resignation now is the season to advance

as my spirit leads you forth in authority and boldness the promises I have spoken over

your life will not return void partner with me to walk them out

agree with me that breakthrough is coming soon align your thoughts words and

expectations with my word and my will for you as you abide in me allowing my

living water to course through your innermost being intimidation loses its grip

deception scatters strongholds of fear come Crashing Down

for my perfect love casts out all torment it drowns out the voice of

condemnation and self-doubt it Stills the anxious racing

of thoughts bringing order and peace draw deeply from my well beloved

one immerse yourself in my presence of power and unwavering

affection allow me to lift you up high above the swirling Fray

from this place my perspective becomes yours here you will stand as a Victor

already clothed in radiant garments of Salvation and righteousness the Battle Is Mine the

victory is sure trust in this my child you will not

be shaken for long Joy comes in the morning strength Rises with the dawn

Grace upon Grace that is my my promise to you Mercy made new every single morning

type Amen in the name of Jesus now brace yourself child of Destiny in

purpose breakthrough is barreling down the pike right on

schedule Miracle is moments away blessing is already at the

door my glory is about to kiss your story in ways you have only dreamed of

rejoice and give thanks for your season of testing and trying is coming to an

end promotion is next I cannot wait to blow your mind

with all that I’ve been preparing behind the scenes yes my beloved child victory is

yours you will celebrate very soon but for now continue to stand

endure just a little while longer press into me fix your gaze upon my

face there truly is power lifechanging resurrection power in simply beholding

your savior Grace and peace to you in full measure my beloved just lean all your

weight upon me I am more than able to Bear you up I love you with an everlasting love

my beloved child do not see the threats that come against you as something to fear see

them as calls to draw closer to my protective Embrace these seeming attacks are a

reminder that you have an adversary who is destined to fail but you my child are destined to

Triumph the enemy wants you to view hardships as defeats but I tell you

there are opportunities to exercise the authority have given you I have given

you when finances come under assault boldly declare that I am Jehovah Gyra

the God who provides as I delivered Mana from Heaven to sustain my people of old so I will

sustain you have I not promised that no good thing will I withhold from those who

walk uprightly no weapon of lack or recession can undermine this Covenant

type yes if you are ready for the blessings that you are about to receive

and if you believe in Christianity kindly show your support for our community by contributing super

thanks from $ to $ when relationships are under attack

rise up as one who understands their identity in me declare the truth that you are

lovingly fashioned in my image that no person or circumstance can separate you

from my love speak Grace and Faith over human

hearts just as I consistently speak these things over you fan the Flames of Love D the Demonic

acids of bitterness or fear my spirit in you is greater than

any attack the enemy wields when the body falters and

strength wains being an ambassador of Divine Healing your words carry Everlasting

authority to restore what has been stolen so decree renewed Freedom over

every cell every organ every system aligned against the Perfection I

originally intended believe that by my stripes you

are healed wholeness is your Redemptive right radiate the light that dissolves

all Darkness whether of sickness depression or

pain my precious one you have dominion through the power at work within

you so wield it courageously to break the sorceries of the evil

one I have seated you with me in the heavens that you might Reign victorious

in this life no true threat can undermine what I have destined for you if you will only

believe yes the Intimidator will try to reinforce that which you fear but his

efforts are fueled by desperation not Dominion See Clearly how fleeting his

power is compared to mine type I embrace my power to affirm

know that every perturbation is a sign of his weakness not his

strength you need not stumble over a limping enemy who can only Circle

ominously L hoping to confound your faith his teeth are marks of banished

Authority his hist of fading frustration of Destin defeat stand boldly in this

truth nothing can finally threaten what I have spoken to bless so now precious one renew your

mind and break free from victimhood you are not ruled by

circumstances or defined by past pain you are an overcomer called To Rule

and reign in a kingdom that cannot fail you are a Victor a warrior a

crystallization of Glory meant to flood the Earth Revel in this identity and

embrace the authority that accompanies it for the enemy’s only power is in

pulling you from what you were created to be but United to me you have everything

you need to shine ever brighter into the darkness and watch it fade like Mist

under sunrise here is the Wonder with each threat in battle you gain more ground

not less stand unwaveringly in truth and

more territory is placed under your feet withstand each taunt rooted firmly

in my word and your hands wield greater power as my faithful one my tested

Warrior stamina and peace flood your inner being hard one confidence banishes

fear certain hope swallows up Dash dreams you bear light unmatched in a

decaying World a Radiance over which even death has no

claim type I’m abundant to affirm child cling to this Vision I set before you a

glimpse of who you are and will fully be in me I am calling you higher bestowing

keys of authority Awakening strength you have only tasted until

now our Union is entering richer Dimensions as you withstand this

test faith is being refined and rewarded that which I spoke over you long ago now

Springs forth in manifestation and tangible increase so lift your head beloved one

my power is yours Victory is breaking through my

presence is washing away all hindrance to blessing in appointment arise and advance from glory

to increasing Glory no Enemy No exhaustion no

hesitation in believing can suppress the kingdom torrent promised to you children are to resemble their

father I have so much more in store if you will only surrender to this becoming

my child I see you struggling under the weight of the enemy’s

attacks this battle feels overwhelming to you like a dark Mountain blocking out

the light but I want you to understand my perspective to me your enemy is no more

than a tiny ant so easily crushed under your feet I have given you power over all his

schemes he only wages War when something valuable is on its way to you my

blessings that I have prepared and set aside just for you according to the purpose I have crafted for your

life the enemy knows what I have in store so he comes to steal it out of

jealousy and rage but you can cast him down through praise when you set your eyes on me

instead of the circumstances around you I cause him to shrivel down to nothing

before your eyes I break open every prison door and

tear loose Every Chain the instant you offer up your worship to me you see the enemy wants you focused

only on the battle itself predicting Doom speaking defeat declaring

disaster but my truth silences his lies like and share the video if you

have trust in the words of the god subscribe to the channel if you love

Jesus I have promised you the victory through faith in my name you have my power to wield with

which no created thing can contend the darkness cannot overcome the

light that shines from within you when you feel assaulted persecuted

hemmed in on all sides remember this I see the end from the

beginning I know the outcome of all things nothing takes me by

surprise I allow battles only to strengthen your faith and refine you

removing the remaining draws from your character until you reflect me the time of testing the season of

trial I permit its Fury only as long as necessary and not one moment

longer just as I close the lion’s mouth to preserve Daniel I build invisible

barriers around you and the instant the appointed work within un years’s completion I command

the testing to cease and your breakthrough to burst forth mightily like a flood have you considered my

servant job as an example I allowed the adversary to

torment job but only within the limit I strictly set job could not see from an Earthly

perspective why I would consent to such suffering upon him but from Heaven’s

point of view a critical transformation was taking place the revelation of my

sustaining Grace that upholds the righteous through every hardship job emerged with a profoundly

more intimate understanding of my loving sovereignty his latter days help greater

blessings because of what he endured with enduring faith and so shall it be with you my

beloved one as you keep your eyes fixed on me refusing to give voice to the threats of

disaster filling your ears Breakers of Darkness may continue to crash around

you but just as the walls of Jericho toppled when my people gave a mighty

shout of Praise so will your Hallelujah scatter every looming difficulty in an

instant clearing the way for my best to flood every sphere of your life type

to show your belief in Jesus no longer will Pharaoh’s chariots pursue and

harass you you will no longer lack and pestilence will not oppress

you no longer will broken relationships and isolation bind

you for when I lead you forth in Triumph

you shall walk into the good land of promise I prepared for you long ago milk and honey will overflow

everywhere in your path you shall eat the fruitful Harvest of the vine you cultivated Faithfully throughout this

season of hardship instead of barely surviving dayto day on scarcity and

affliction you shall abound in more than enough of my bounty to enjoy and to

share you will dwell in the house of the Lord as long as you live anchored deep

in my protecting presence yes a profound shift is coming

my beloved one as you offer up praise like incense

before my Throne the atmosphere holding back your breakthrough

shatters sudden Swift release rushes in where you saw only Wilderness and

Wasteland before you will stay stand amazed to find a garden vibrant with life

springing up on every side streams gushing in the desert places new wine

and oil flowing bountifully where you had nothing at all just moments

ago I am bringing restoration of all that was taken from you healing for your

body mind and soul and wealth immeasurable for you to Steward in

partnership with me all that was dead will live again at my command and ruins

shall be rebuilt stronger than before Beauty shall emerge From the

Ashes of Broken Dreams laughter and joy will overflow where once were only

tears the intense fire of testing has purified you prepared you as a vessel

worthy to carry my glory to desperate Souls still trapped in darkness and not

only will I restore what was taken but I will pour out a fold a thousandfold

until you have such abundance that you must give continually just to make room for

more type to manifest miracles in your life never will you lack ever again

because from this day forth you walk in the fullness of my provision and blessing that I have in store for

you I will pour out Heaven’s riches wherever I see need in my kingdom

every obstacle crumbles before you as you walk in the authority I have given

you the trajectory of your life takes a dramatic turn upward through my blessing

and favor such as you have never known does this seem too astonishing too

difficult to believe after so much lack trauma and opposition my precious one you have

endured the darkness now it is time to embrace your destiny as my child and The

Light Within You arise From the Ashes of this past season take my hand and walk boldly

toward the doors I am throwing open before you the opportunity is waiting for you

through my grace receive Joy choose to give thanks refuse the urge to keep

declaring what has been instead fix your eyes on what is to

come worship your way through the Wilderness it cannot contain you long

like your father David who danced joyfully despite his son scorn let your

praise ReSound as a war cry that scatters your enemies from their hiding

places then watch closely for as suddenly as your midnight arose so

suddenly shall your Everlasting daylight appear radiant glory is here for you at

last my child be still and listen for my voice do not react in fear to what you

see in the world around you the enemy wants you to give power to Illusions by

speaking them into reality what I have declared in my word is the only true and

eternal reality when challenges arise even intense Warfare against your mind body

and circumstances recognize these s for what they are confirmation that the blessing

I have prepared for you is very near the intensity of the battle

indicates the significance of the Breakthrough as you withstand the onslaught with faith in my promises the

victory will be all the sweeter type yes if you are ready for the blessings that

you are about to receive and if you believe in Christianity kindly show your support

for our community by contributing super thanks from $ to

$ your joy will overflow as you realize it was my power in you that

overcame my plans for you are for peace prosperity and blessing Beyond Your

Wildest Dreams the enemy hurs lies to make you doubt what I have spoken do not even

entertain those false Illusions fix your gaze upon me my word

word reveals my heart and my true intent for you I take great Delight in lavishing my

beloved with good things it is my nature for I am love do not look at

circumstances in the natural realm and make declarations based on what your physical senses

perceive you have the mind of Christ and Heavenly discernment through my indwelling

spirit you have authority to decree only what agrees with my word for my word

shall not return void bring Heaven to Earth by the words

of your mouth aligning with truth the trials you have endured have served a

purpose to strengthen your trust in me just as a warrior is hardened by

combat so too has your spirit been toughened through testing you have developed spiritual

stamina you have learned to wield the sword of the spirit with skill you have become confident in the

authority given you through my name and now my beloved Warrior the

greatest victories of your life are close at hand salvation for loved ones

healings deliverances Miracles provision

restoration such wondrous Joy awaits you as you walk into fulfillment of all you

have believed four the desires of your heart now coming to fruition are merely a small

glimpse of all that I have in store for you with my spirit igniting your purpose

with Divine passion you are walking into a season of unprecedented favor and fulfillment my

beloved type if you believe in Jesus rise up with strength and vigor for this

new day I have created is filled with hope and promise take hold of that hope

with boldness and certainty for nothing can th my purposes

through you envision my glory surrounding you and smile knowing that you are walking

in the heritage of my children royalty Authority prosperity of Body Soul and

Spirit this is my heart for you to walk in the fullness of all I have purchased

for you I have given you everything it is already yours in the Heavenly

Realms now believe and receive come now rest in my presence

allow me to refresh you and renew your vision as you behold me you are

transformed I see you as already Victorious empowered radiant reigning in

life through the power of my spirit within you what glorious freedom to walk

in the reality of who I say you are you will Blaze a trail across this

Earth as you allow me to live through you each moment fully surrendered to my

love I am pleased with your growing Faith beloved one you are believing me for bigger

blessings than ever before your capacity to receive has expanded as your trust in

me has deepened through the trials you have walked through you have seen my

faithfulness you recognize my voice and your yes resonates stronger than

before obedience has birthed courage and confidence in you you have entered a new season of

Walking In partnership with me to fulfill Greater Works than you imagined I see the deepest desire S I

have embedded in your heart I know the passions that keep you awake at night dreaming of possibilities

yet unseen I plac those Visions within you and now I am Fanning The Embers of those

dreams into flame feel the burning in your soul compelling you forward this fire is from

my Altar and I am fueling you with my spirit take care of yourself type I

claim it if you receive this declaration type yes if you’re ready and share this

video with five people who trust God comment Jesus is Lord to support our

Channel please subscribe to our Channel and turn on Bell notifications type

if you believe this like this video And subscribe to the channel if you

believe in God type I really love you God and if you believe in Christianity

kindly show your support for our community by contributing super thanks

from $ to $ God bless you my child type amen

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