hey there my cherished friend I’m here
to share some thoughts with you to
illuminate your path and guide you
forward it’s crucial to be prepared for
Action yet equally vital not to let
troubles monopolize your attention
Instead try shifting your worries on to
me I have got the capacity to handle
them once you’ve done that smoothly
transition to the next task at hand
knowing that I have made a promise to
sustain you and fulfill your needs
abundantly you see I’m equipped with
abundant resources ready to provide
everything you require whenever you feel
inadequate to face a new day or a new
challenge remember this my grace is more
than sufficient for you the present
tense of this statement
emphasizes that my wonderful Grace is
perpetually available to
you so rather than squandering your time
and energy dwelling on your perceived
weaknesses rejoice in the awareness of
how much you depend on me embrace the
reality that you are not enough on your
own and freely ask for my assistance
Revel in the Assurance of my Limited
sufficiency it’s when you recognize your
weaknesses and joyfully rely on me for
help that my strength shines most
brilliantly together we can enhance your
endeavors improving your work as we
collaborate just imagine the Marvel of
working alongside me the King of Kings
had Lord of lords align your will with
Mine by offering your life as a
sacrifice and act of worship that brings
me immense joy and infuses your life
with meaning and
joy this act of surrender only offers
you a glimpse of the boundless and
imaginable happiness awaiting you in
heaven as you seek me let joy and
contentment fill your heart in my
presence take moments to praise me with
songs and Psalms reflecting on my
Grandeur Beauty and power consider the
selflessness of My Sacrifice leaving the
Splendor of Heaven to user you into my
kingdom of eternal life and
light your happiness in my presence
deepens our intimacy drawing you closer
to me and enriching your experience of
my holy presence this closeness will not
only amplify your joy but also bless
those around you your happiness has the
power to uplift others even those beyond
your immediate circle in a world
overshadowed by fear and uncertainty
your joy shines brightly pring others to
wonder about its source
be prepared to share the reason for your
hope at all times my power preserves you
stumbling understanding your weaknesses
and the Swift nature of your imbalance
without my intervention though you may
be growing in Grace complete freedom
from sin remains unattainable in this
Fallen world that’s why your continual
dependence on me is a
essential in my glorious presence you
stand Flawless free from accusations or
blemishes clad in the garments of
Salvation and righteousness you can wear
these Ro robes confidently knowing that
your security stems from my
righteousness not your own