God says today if you love me then don’t
skip this video and watch this video
till the very
end these perplexing events that unfold
around you serve as beacons cutting
through the darkness allowing the
radiance of my Divine Light to permeate
the hearts of my faithful
deities this sacred light this holy
illumination is available for you to
bask in my beloved child rest assured
you are never alone my countenance
shines upon you enveloping you in my
infinite love and grace find Solace In
My Embrace for I am your constant
companion offering strength Solace and
happiness trust in me for I I am forever
with you ready to extend my helping hand
whenever you call upon me take comfort
in the knowledge that I love you
unconditionally eternally seek me out
each day for I am your Guiding Light the
very essence of life
itself as you Journey Through the
vicissitudes of Life remember that I am
your steadfast rock your sanctuary in
the storm your most precious possession
let your heart overflow with gratitude
and praise for my love for you knows no
bounds have faith my dear one and be
patient for my timing is immaculate do
not rush headlong into an uncertain
future nor cling to Trent Pleasures that
offer fleeting satisfaction rid yourself
of anything that obstructs the flow of
my blessings and distance yourself from
those who doubt my
existence continue to pray to study my
teachings diligently and refrain from
seeking quick fixes that may lead you
astray rest assured I am aware of your
every need cognizant of the burdens that
weigh heavy upon on your heart and the
trials that beset
you though the trials of illness and
financial hardship May weigh heavily
upon you open your heart to receive my
promises and guidance embrace my word
fervently laboring diligently to unearth
its Treasures for therein lies the path
the true
fulfillment trust in the process My
Sweet Child for everything will unfold
in its own time be not dismayed by the
minations of the wicked nor envious of
their fleeting success their prosperity
shall wither like the grass while my
blessings endure for
eternity share this message with others
if you hold love for me in your heart
subscribe to daily manifestation for you
where my voice shall continue to
resonate offering guidance and solace in
your daily life trust in me for I am
your everpresent guide leading you along
the path of righteousness and blessing
abundantly my cherished child within you
resides the essence of Light untainted
by any Shadow I Your Divine Creator
embody perfection in every facet devoid
of even the faintest
blemish while the world around you may
seem shrouded in darkness and overrun
with malevolence you must hold steadfast
to the understanding that I am the
radiant Beacon piercing through the
plume no force can extinguish or
diminish the Brilliance of my eternal