after the next minutes you will
yourself feel that God is around you and
he is watching you make sure you watch
the whole video and don’t forget to
share this message with your loved ones
my child you are watching the video but
you are not sharing the video so please
share my message to everyone close to
your heart let the word of the Lord
spread throughout the world type if
you are ready God is saying to you today
my beloved child in this moment I reach
out to
you with a message of caution and wisdom
you have walked through trials some
shadowed by betrayal and it has tested
your spirit these experiences though
painful have been part of your
journey now you stand at a Crossroads
surrounded by unseen challenges it is
not for you to confront these alone
instead seek my
guidance look towards the light of my
wisdom in the quietude of your heart in
Earnest prayer you will find the
strength and insight needed to navigate
this path remember my child not all that
seems clear is true and not all that is
hidden is
lost trust in my presence and let my
foresight be your guide through these
Veil Trials come to me and I will
illuminate the wisest
course I will be your Fortress your
protector have I not said that I am a
shield to all who take refuge in
me you need not fear this threat for no
weapon formed against you can ever
Prosper keep your spirit soft respond
not in anger but in the compassion I
have graced you with for love melts even
the iciest heart I know you have
suffered betrayals and thoughtlessly
inflicted wounds but healing awaits all
who walk the path of forgiveness I have
planted seeds of remorse even in hearts
that have hurt you and Reconciliation
will blossom in due time if tended with
patience and Grace my precious child I
am with you in the light and in the
shadows when you walk
through valleys of uncertainty fear no
for I am ever by your
side my rod and staff comfort you type
if you believe in Jesus I will
anoint your head with the oil of
gladness even in the midst of Trials
your cup overflows with my blessings you
need only have faith in my Providence
and my timing I see your struggles and I
celebrate your triumphs there is nothing
hidden From My Sight I am intimately
acquainted with all your ways I know the
plans I have for you plans to prosper
you and give you
hope keep following the path I
illuminate before you though storms may
gather I remain your calm Harbor in
their midst I will never forsake you
never abandon you to fend for yourself
have I not promised that I will be with
always even to the End of the
Age Trust trust in this vow for it
cannot be broken right now unbeknownst
to you figures from your past are being
moved by my spirit their hearts are
softening opening to the possibility of
reconciliation the wounds that separate
you will not always remain once lost
relationships can be restored but it
starts with your willingness to forgive
this is my command to you forgive as I
have forgiven you release CE resentment
and it will no longer have power over
you instead of
retaliating think of how you can bless
those who have harmed you overcome evil
with good this is the key to unlocking
lasting peace and healing will you walk
this path with
me my child will you allow my perfect
love to cast out all fear from your
heart if you follow my light no Darkness
will overtake you my wisdom will
illuminate your way forward even now
Miracles are unfolding around you type
Amen in the name of Jesus my gifts are
abundant if you have eyes to see them
but it starts with believing that your
best days are still
ahead it starts with declaring each
morning that the Lord’s favor surrounds
you like a shield Speak Life hope
and blessing over your future and watch
flee I long to pour out my spirit over
you in ever greater measure but you must
open your heart fully to receive all I
have in store let go of past hurts
forgive those who wounded you and
witness Beauty emerg From the Ashes of
Brokenness the enemy desires only to
steal kill and destroy what I am
building in your life but his efforts
will ultimately fail if you cling to me
I will silence every accusatory voice
steal every storm and make Darkness bow
to the supremacy of my light
You are not alone in these trials my
child and through them your faith will
grow ever stronger purer and more
refined stay near to me and not even an
army can shake you no scheme of the
devil will prevail when your trust rest
securely in my
hands even now I am working behind the
scenes on your behalf Miracles are
unfolding that you cannot yet perceive
my angels guard you in ways you will
never know type I embrace my power to
affirm you are surrounded always by my
loving presence let this truth soak into
every fiber of your being the enemy
wants you to focus only on your
struggles but there is so much blessing
in store if you lift up your eyes and
anticipate the good things I have
prepared for you not just in the
life to come but even in the here and
now the present is pregnant with
potential if you walk in hopeful
expectancy you possess Inner Strength
beyond your realizing because my Holy
Spirit lives within
you no challenge no adversary can ever
sep separate you from my redeeming Love
Remain rooted in this unshakable truth
that I will never leave you nor forsake
you I am your rock in times of Tempest I
am the light that no Darkness can
overcome go forward my beloved on the
path I illuminate before you follow my
voice and you will complete the journey
I have uniquely prepared for
you do not fear impending threats or
trials on The Horizon the Lord your God
remains Sovereign over
circumstance I am in control even when
it seems chaos Reigns trust in the sure
fulfillment of my promises live in the
freedom of my forgiveness hope in what
is unseen but Eternal type I’m abundant
to affirm walk in the power of my word
and spirit this is the way of wisdom the
path that leads to life abide in me and
you will bear much fruit stay connected
to the vine and you will Thrive I am
pouring out my blessing over you now in
these critical moments lift your head
Mine the King of Kings fights your
battles no enemy scheme will derail my
purposes in you my strength will be made
perfect even in your weakness hope in me
and you will never be put to
shame the darkness has not conquered the
light evil has not overwhelmed goodness
my kingdom has no end and my love has no
rival stand on these Eternal truths and
you will endure the temporary struggles
keep your eyes fixed on things above not
on Earthly chaos you are the apple of my
eye Graven on the palms of my hands I
will will not forget you or the promises
I’ve made place your trust fully in my
Providence rest in my grace and mercy
which endure forever the enemy will sow
weeds but I will harvest wheat I see the
hidden potential in you the beauty
waiting to emerge you are the work of my
hands shaped for a Divine Purpose if you
feel inadequate to the
calling remember it is my strength in
your weakness my spirit equipping you
come to me now with praise on your lips
thanking me in advance for victories
unseen magnify my name for miracles yet
to materialize this is the language of
Faith the way of the Kingdom rejoice in
me and you open the door for my power to
work type to show your belief in
Jesus and if you believe in Christian
ity kindly show your support for our
community by contributing super thanks
from $ to
$ I know your trials seem
overwhelming but I measure them
carefully against your ability to endure
I will provide a way out even if at
first you cannot perceive it my timing
is Flawless my strategy is perfect what
seems delayed is not denied
Victory is assured if you trust in me
completely refusing to give fear and
anxiety the last word fix your thoughts
on all that is good honorable and
praiseworthy the God of Peace will guard
your mind in your heart you will
encounter bumps along this journey but I
will smooth out the path just enough to
sustain your footing I will be your
Refuge from Life storms I will welcome
you home home to myself one day with
arms celebrating your decision to walk
closely with me through both valleys and
mountaintops on that day all tears will
be wiped away forever the former things
will pass away pain and sorrow will be
no more Darkness will bow to the eternal
light of my presence and you will know
you fought the good fight completing the
race marked out for you my well done
will be all the reward you need so lift
up your head
beloved type to show your belief in
Jesus type to
manifest miracles in your life much
around you remains shrouded in mystery
but all will be revealed when you meet
me face to face until then walk by faith
and not by sight lean into me when the
way see seems
unclear let my peace rule your heart
even amid uncertainty I am more ready to
give than you are to receive come to me
with your hands open lifted up putting
no limits on what I can do expect me to
pour out blessings from storehouses
without measure dream big beloved your
wildest imaginings cannot begin to grasp
what I have prepared for those who love
me the enemy wages psychological warfare
seeking to instill fear and hopelessness
but his efforts cannot withstand the
truth of who
I am and who you are in
me God’s guidance today showers you with
blessings healing love New Opportunities
and unprecedented favor trust in me and
I will lead you to Greatness no weapon
formed against you shall prosper and
every tongue that Rises against you
shall be silenced type to affirm
your faith in this truth Angelic message
tomorrow morning expect a miraculous
solution to your financial challenges
lifting you into a position of financial
stability where you’ll no longer need to
financial assistance the upcoming week
holds great promise with exciting news
breakthroughs New Visions and Abundant
Blessings instead of worrying present
your requests to God through prayer and
petition with
Thanksgiving type thank you God to
Express gratitude God’s Assurance change
is imminent bringing unforeseen
opportunities and blessings into your
life God promises that nothing can
hinder the blessings destined for you
while the external May wither and fade
God Eternal Word stands firm type to
affirm your belief in this truth
confession of Faith declare that you
will never stop expecting Miracles hope
and prayers because God is faithful the
gift of Eternal Christ Jesus
ensures that you will laugh trust and
love again remain in Christ let his
words abide in you and your wishes will
be granted type to affirm your trust
in Jesus divine
promise your breakthrough and comeback
are on the horizon every voice against
you will be silenced every good and
perfect gift comes from above the days
of Brokenness are over and prosperity
will reain in your life expect a
significant financial gain this week
type to claim it heartfelt plea
Express exess your desires for a life
filled with peace joy and purpose God
hears your prayers understands your pain
and is ready to bless your family there
is one God and one mediator
Jesus Christ type if you believe in
Jesus God’s response God acknowledges
your pain and assures that your weight
is over blessings are on the way
surrender your mind to him for peace and
rest nothing can hinder the blessings
destined for you get ready for your
Miracles type to claim the miracle
Assurance of Victory Christ has already
defeated the enemy ensuring your success
and abundance a season of healing
success Health Prosperity love happiness
and joy awaits be grateful for the
blessing things received type to
express your belief Divine comeback
anticipate a gracious comeback in your
life God is working on your behalf
bringing good news
in Supernatural change this is your
season for blessings and favor trust in
God and don’t worry about those who are
not for you type
to express your trust God’s
God promises salvation and protection
for those who trust in
him you are his beloved child stronger
than you think trust in his faithfulness
to affirm your
belief wield my word as a sword speaking
scripture alow to dispel lies my truth
will silence every deceitful voice I see
your hidden wounds and private agonies I
I know the desires of your heart
unspoken and deep not one tear Falls
without my notice the hairs of your head
are numbered you are treasured and
intimately known pour out your heart to
me without Reserve or pretense do not
fear impending chaos or the unraveling
of the familiar even tumultuous change
is a portal into
deeper trust if you cling to me I am
Sovereign over every shifting season my
plans cannot be thwarted let go of what
you think you need and embrace what I
deem best my vision for your life
surpasses anything you could ask or
imagine do not limit Me by shrinking the
dreams I plant deep in your soul take
courage and walk the path of bold Faith
type yes if you are ready for the
blessings that you are about to receive
type amen if you believe believe in God
if you’re all set type yes take care of
yourself type I claim it if you receive
this declaration type yes if you’re
ready and share this video with five
people who trust God comment Jesus is
Lord to support our Channel please
subscribe to
our Channel and turn on Bell
notifications type
if you believe this like this video
And subscribe to the channel if you
believe in God type I really love you
God Dot and if you believe in
Christianity kindly show your support
for our community by contributing super
thanks from $ to
$ God bless you my child type