God says today watch this video till the
end if you believe in
me in the realm Beyond sight close your
eyes and listen for the ears of your
soul feel the warmth of my right hand as
it rests upon your head a gesture that
signifies the cleansing of anxieties
fear dissipates like Mist before the
radiant River of living water flowing
from my Celestial
Throne extend this profound message of
love and reassurance to others share
this sacred wisdom with of your
contacts a testament to your love for
me subscribe to the channel of Jesus
affirmations ensuring a continuous
connection with the soothing Cadence of
my voice Embrace this transformative
Journey for in unity we shall triumph
adversity my cherished child clings
steadfastly to the promises I have
bestowed upon you especially in times of
adversity believe unwaveringly that my
love for you knows no bounds and that I
am in complete control of every facet of
your life with this profound Faith
Victory is already
yours as each morning unfolds to rise
with unwavering faith and Resolute
determination propelling yourself
forward for nothing can impede your
journey towards Triumph the path to
Victory commences with the earnestness
of your morning
prayers in moments of Doubt when it
appears years that I may not be
responding to your pleas banish those
unsettling thoughts instead Focus
intently on the lessons I am imparting
you engage in prayer and attune your
senses to the goodness that surrounds
you during the challenging times I shall
illuminate your path cradling your weary
arms offering respit and fortifying your
faith allow my promises to be edged into