🔴 JESUS SAID: "I WILL NEVER HELP YOU IF YOU LEAP AGAIN" | GOD'S ADVICE TODAY | #jesus #god #godmsg✝️ - Free AI Voice Generator



God’s advice today God is sending many

signs but it seems like you are ignoring

all of them so do not ignore this video

because it is a message from God’s heart

to bless your life today before we

continue please leave your like so that

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like this don’t ignore this video and

stay until the end I invite you to click

on the first comment where you will find

a special prayer the second best

manifestation offer in the world God

said my dear child I want to share with

you words of gratitude and Thanksgiving

for this special moment when we

celebrate the blessing of healing

gratitude is a deep and powerful feeling

and when directed towards Wards me it

creates a special connection between

your heart and mind firstly I want you

to know that your healing is a

manifestation of my love and grace in

your life health is a precious gift and

when you experience the healing of an

illness it’s as if you reach out your

hand and touch your being directly this

is a testimony to my power of

restoration and my desire to see you

healthy and whole the biblical passage

that illuminates this moment of

gratitude is found in Psalm –

bless the Lord oh my soul and forget not

all his benefits who forgives all your

iniquity who heals all your diseases who

redeems your life from the pit who

crowns you with steadfast love and mercy

who satisfies you with good so that your

youth is renewed like the

eagles just as this Psalm expresses

gratitude for healing and forgiveness we

also celebr celebrate your healing with

joy and humility in expressing gratitude

for healing you acknowledge not only the

end of the illness but also the growth

and transformation that occurred during

the process pain and difficulty often

teach us profound lessons about life

about ourselves and about what we truly

value moreover gratitude is a way of

sharing your joy and the blessing of

healing with others by expressing

gratitude you inspire ire those around

you to be grateful for the gifts in

their lives it’s a way of spreading the

light and love you’ve received your

healing journey is unique and the moment

when illness is overcome is worthy of

Celebration celebrate your healing with

joy and humility knowing that gratitude

is an expression of recognition for my

mercy and kindness by thanking for this

blessing you not only acknowledge my

intervention in your life but also

strength en your connection with me

gratitude is a form of prayer that opens

your heart to my presence and the

abundance of my love when you delve into

gratitude you are in fact drawing closer

to me remember that healing is a complex

process that involves not only your

physical body but also your mind and

spirit it’s a journey of patience faith


perseverance in many moments healing may

seem distant and that’s where gratitude

plays a fundamental role gratitude

brings a sense of contentment and

acceptance of the present moment even

during illness gratitude can be found in

small things a Sunbeam through the

window the love and support of those

around you or even the strength you find

within yourself to face challenges right

thank you God as a sign of

gratitude however gratitude should not

be a one-time experience it should be

cultivated daily because there are

always reasons to be thankful even in

challenging moments when Health seems

fragile there are always blessings to be

found gratitude can be a light that

shines even in the toughest

situations so my beloved child I

encourage you to cultivate gratitude in

your heart not only when you receive a

blessing like healing but in all aspects

of your life be aware of the small

blessings that around you every day

because they enrich your journey and

strengthen your connection with me thank

for health for family for friends for

nature for the opportunity to grow and

learn thank for every breath and for

every day you have to live remember that

gratitude is a seed that when planted

and watered regularly grows into flowers

of joy and recognition may your healing

be a constant reminder of my love for

you and my ability to bring healing and

restoration in all aspects of your life

continue to express your gratitude

because through it you connect more

deeply with me and the flow of love and

blessings that are always available to

you hope is not only the belief that

things can get better but also the

confidence that I am by your side

walking through trials and challenges

with you when you keep hope alive you

acknowledge that you’re not alone in

your journey and that I am constantly

working for your benefit even when

answers and solutions are not

immediately visible hope is a force that

empowers you to face adversity with

courage and

resilience it nourishes your inner

strength that Force residing in your

heart often unnoticed remember that you

are stronger than you imagine and hope

is the spark that ignites that strength

hope is also a beacon that lights your

path as you progress in the Journey of

life providing the clarity and guidance

necessary to make wise decisions when

you trust in me and keep hope alive you

not only survive trials but also Thrive

and grow through them in the most

challenging situations when illness loss

pain or uncertainty attempt to take hold

remember that hope is a powerful

antidote it is the extended hand that

helps you rise when you fall the gentle

voice Whispering words of encouragement

when you’re disheartened hope is also

contagious when you keep it alive you

inspire those around you to do the same

you become a Beacon of Hope for others

showing them that even in the darkest

situations there is always a light on

the horizon your hope can be the spark

that reignites the flame of faith in the

hearts of those around you however hope

is not passive it is an active choice

you make every day it requires

perseverance and Faith even when

circumstances seem challenging when You

Face adversity with hope you transform

challenges into opportunities for growth

and overcoming so my beloved child I

want to encourage you to keep hope alive

in your heart no matter what life brings

know that I am by your side guiding you

with love and care together with Hope

and Faith there is no challenge we

cannot face May hope be your constant

companion guiding you through trials

Illuminating the path toward a future

full of blessings and achievements

remember that with Hope and Faith you

can overcome any obstacle and reach for

the stars I hope this message has been

an inspiration to you if so write amen

as a sign of faith and confidence in the

future that awaits Guided by hope and

gratitude I hope this message has been

an INSP ins spiration to you if you

liked it please write amen and share

this message with someone who also needs

to hear it I invite you to click on the

first comment where you will find a

special prayer the second best

manifestation offer in the world don’t

forget to subscribe to our channel for

more inspiring content like this until


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