my child hold on to your joy and peace
no matter what happens you are meant to
be an overcomer in me and I assure you
that you will Triumph with me by your
side take one step at a time facing each
problem as it comes comes and you’ll see
everything working out just fine I’m
always with you in every situation so
trust me to provide you with enough joy
and peace for today and every day you’re
never alone and I love you more than you
can imagine trust in me and we’ll get
through this together my dear child type
amen if you believe my dear Child come
be filled with my abundant joy and peace
they flow in to your heart and soul as
you rest in my loving Embrace placing
your trust in the depths of your being
these precious blessings are essential
for nourishing your spirit and providing
strength in times of need the joy of the
Lord is a Wellspring of power that you
must not Overlook a delightful gift
available to you always regardless of
the circumstances even when you find
yourself in search of it know that I am
here to fill your life with unending Joy
and my peace oh how it surpasses all
understanding I freely bestow it upon
you as you keep your faith in me know
that I am the god of Hope and the hope I
offer is Not Mere wishful thinking it is
a certainty firmly grounded in the
promises I have made I secured this hope
through my sacrificial love on the cross
ensuring that your future is secure and
filled with Everlasting Delight type
Amen in the comments and get blessed